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Everything posted by shakturi101

  1. Is there a way to turn a playable league to a view-only league mid-save? I think I loaded too many leagues and want to make some view-only. Is this possible? I don't see a direct way to do this on the "add/remove leagues" section in-game.
  2. Questions about the "The Long-term aims of the club are:" promise. I am just starting in the English tier 6 and i am trying to sing with the promise that they want me to finish in the top half of tier 6 in my second year. With the idea that I will probably be promoted by the end of the second year, I decided to raise the promise to "gain promotion by the end of the year 2," the most ambitious I could do. However I noticed that demands were SUBSTANTIALLY raised by like 3x salary when I did this, I even tested it by going back and doing the negotiation twice over. My question is, why would the player raise his demands so much when I am giving a more ambitious promise for the team? Does the player just not think it is realistic? Question 2: I am assuming that if i get promoted out of tier 6 in year one, the promise of finishing in the top half in year two will be auto-completed, correct?
  3. Does anyone here click "add players to playable teams" when starting their save? What does that do exactly and what effect does it have on the database (speed, realism, etc.)?
  4. Two Questions. If you sign a player and accept the transfer, but he is not granted a work permit, is there a way to tell if the next work permit application is likely to be successful? For example, if I loaned a player out for a season to a big league and want to see if the % chance changed over the year to be accepted. If I promise a player to be played in a certain position and then I loan him out, will the player consider any time played on Loan as part of the promise? I appreciate the help!
  5. My board created a B team during the pre season, but it is a semi professional team in a non-playable league. I would like to try to fast track the team to a playable league (it is the next league). I have been looking online and it is stated that it is a random chance for promotion based on reputation. In order to best give myself a chance, should I sign some higher rep players and place them in the league in order to give myself a chance? What are some other ways to increase my chance other than using editor/save scumming? Thanks for the help.
  6. My board created a B team and it states that it is in a non-playable league. However, I am in the middle of the season and can't see any fixtures for this league scheduled. Should I be able to see fixtures for this league even if it is non-playable or am I not registered for this league at all? I put some of my 18-19 y/o youngsters in it to get some experience and I hope they're just not wasting away in the league for no reason. If I am not actually playing in the league, how do I get registered for the league?
  7. I am playing as RB Leipzig and at the start of the game Leipzig does not have a number team (only a U19 team). However after my season ended the board offered to create a II team and I said yes since I did not have a good development place for my young players that turned 19 so I was loaning everybody out. However, I see that this team is semi-pro, so I when I put all my players that I want to develop, they are only practicing like three times a week for two sessions. Is it worth it all to put players on this team, as they will not develop very well only playing three times a week? I'm not really sure who to put on this team. Any ideas on what to do?
  8. If i get a bad personality from a player from youth intake, what is the best course of action for his development? I know a common route is to put him on the senior team and have him be mentored by an influential player, but given he is only 15, he will get little playing time, and the training done in first team is more focused on tactical familiarity and winning matches and not development (not ideal for a 15 year old). Should I have him in the youth team until 17-18 and then put him on the senior team quickly and not play him much, but mentor him?
  9. Ok great, so just to confirm the upcoming match boosts only apply to the next match and the training tab UI is incorrect?
  10. I have a quick question about match preparation training, specifically the ones that give upcoming match boosts like attacking movement, defensive positioning, and teamwork. I have heard in a video that I watched about training that the boosts were only for one match and would not roll over. However, when I use the boosts I see that in the bottom left corner of the training tab, there is a section that states "special focus has been placed on the following areas against xxx." And if I have those match prep training with boosts the boosts show up and even after I play the first match, they sometimes roll over and say that they will roll over to the next match. Does anyone know the specific mechanic on how these trainings work so I can better understand if I have boosts (and I don't have to waste more match prep training if I already have the boosts).
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