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Everything posted by Detter

  1. I am wondering if is this where I should officially report and bug and can actually get some help on it... i have posted a bug on my game 16 of April, got a fast answer saying it will be reviewed. And still nothing, no updade anything. Now i started to wonder if i even posted on a place i can get some help or not.
  2. Still nothing.... No update, nothing...
  3. Hi, i have been waiting for quite some time, and nothing. Please give me an update, I re tried to play the game and still annoys me a lot this.... pls help me fix it
  4. Yeah, i know they are optional. i just meant to say that it was one of the things that changed, like a symptom of the problem. The problem being insanely high monthly fees + wages, while not happening the same for other teams. My experience in the game transfers are that when you ask for an optional buy fee the receiver club demands a lot of monthly fees for this kind of transfer to be possible, so that "format" of loan is turning to the standard and not the normal loan without buying option, then not allowing the normal loan to happen. I was just trying to explain a bit better the problem, and thank you for the fast response and the help, greatly appreciate it. Bernardo Macara
  5. Hi, This is an weird issue. I started an account and let the game run for 2 years then i joined a team "Moreirense" in Portugal second division. I did some loans, some required wages, some don't, that's thine and understandable. At the end of the season i got promoted, and I got a loan of other player for the next season for i believe 20% of the wage and no fee. Now I get to the preason and the loans system seems to have screwed it self up completely and not working properly anymore... Every club, every player now demands insanely high fees +% wage and an optional buy option, but only for my club, while the other clubs that bid for loan to the same player do not get this outrageous conditions, just me. I get the high fees when in the loan listing it says they want to make a profit, but when its players for development its just stupid for this conditions to appear. Pls give me a fix cause i am highly dependent of loans to survive the promotion. Example: This players are loan listed for development and still they mandate a buy option and dam stupid high fees.... (300k is my entire wage budget, they require 350/170 monthly on fees alone...) Pls give me a fix or a workaround for this problem.... it is just so demotivational this happening and screwing up my season. If you say it is how its suppose to be, then seriously think about redoing this loans cause it makes no sense at all to be like this... kind regards, Bernardo Macara
  6. I have several players that i offer for loans in order to develop. There are 2 options, in the development list and not -when they are not in the development list, i can do anything with the offers ( good) but they do not show as many offers / clubs as if they were in the development list ( i understand, the loan manager has some kind of network) -when they are in the development list, every loan offer is rejected for absolutely no reason, even if i set up at the minimum if you tell me it has to be exaclty the same, i have already tried put the exact wage percentage, playing time, nationg league, playing time they would offer and still gets rejected. I uploaded the game to the cloud, name : Bernardo Macara - 1860 München If this isnt a bug, i do not get the point of having an development list if it doesnt work...
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