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Posts posted by RAP

  1. On 19/11/2022 at 03:53, Stewart91 said:

    There are skins already released for FM23 that would do this for you.

    I go into skins>skin name>panels>client_oblect> open the client object browser with note pad

      <!-- background picture - covers entire screen -->
        <widget class="background" file="backgrounds/default" id="bgnd">
            <!-- Once everything is hooked up we'll use a get global attachment like below tied to the
                     appropriate global setting to show/hide instead of the complex test multiple global
                     setups for the various items we'll show/hide -->
            <!--<attachment class="get_global_attachment" get_property="background_visible" set_property="Shwn" />-->
            <record id="object_property">
                <integer id="get_property" value="bgnd" />
                <integer id="set_property" value="file"

    change the last word "file" to "default"

    That is what I do, anyway.


    Thank you

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