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1 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Also incredible how on Page 127 the User claims to play with a low line but the only tactic he shows has much higher lines. Addendum to his new post: Everybody here can read the bleacherreport article on you and how you present yourself in front of thousands of potential readers. You really are not the one to attack others on a personal level or act like you are an "adult" here. Maybe take care of your body and mind first before patrolling through online forums trying to insult others. Thanks.
  2. "I've played this way 6 seasons so far in this save games and have won the Premier League multiple times. I don't want to spoil too much or give too many details about specifics as it'll ruin the free books which will be released very soon. " Was posted in JANUARY. By you. It's August and you are babbling how you need another weeks/months whatever at which point FM22 will be obsolete. At this point in my book this is pure trolling. Anybody liking this thread can load up a save with Sheffield United and use this tactic which this user claims the quoted results with, and try to get anywhere close. You could maybe get into the playoffs somehow.
  3. Lmao, you are going on and on and on about some old post you linked. While you can't explain how you ON FM22 WITH SHEFFIELD as you have claimed go to the Premier League and win it easy with these low lines but everybody else trying something similar even with the same group of players loses nearly every game. You can't, instead you insult and attack other players.
  4. Lol a 40-year old "man" that has to hide from actual discussion but needs to publish "books" on a video game to get some attention and compliments for endorphines. I mean instead of just trying to act like that never happened you could maybe just admit you tried to troll people by claiming these results with no substance and proof instead of making real passionate and skilled players go into a rabbit hole because you claimed it. Your arrogance and how you treat other people is appalling.
  5. The fact is you claimed ridiculous results with Sheffield with tactic with much lower lines. Then people tried the same and had the obvious horrible results so you told them they lack understanding of the game and whatnot and instead of explaining you said it's in the book. Now about a decade later the book comes online and it's nowhere to be seen. That's the typical Blade behavior and you try to deceive now by acting like you don't know I talk about that while referring to some text about Sheffield from 5 years ago. Amazed by how you behave as an alleged grown man.
  6. yeah one typical blade babbling and babbling about something and bragging on the forum for over a year and then publishing some vague stuff everybody can google in 5 minutes. what else should i have expected. sorry for having some faith in the integrity of the forums. maybe YOU should go out and do some stuff instead of fishing for compliments for your "book".
  7. You post about it on the forum vaguely for months and then not make it in the book. Sure thing.
  8. Where is the part about the Sheffield team winning the league in 3rd season and then every year and team from Iceland going to CL knockouts with much lower line tactics? Can't find that.
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