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  1. Match engine desperately needs to be fixed asap. Looks like 95% of goals come from a ball over the top or into the channels the the defence refuses to deal with. It’s currently a game of how nonsensical a defence reacts to aerial balls, directly relates to how many goals will be scored. Never seen anything like it. Lower leagues is riddled with it. Long balls behind the defence or into the channel…rinse and repeat.
  2. It’s so bad right now. Along with the one touch aerial ping pong that has 100% precision that seems to go on
  3. Until I see a development plan that states otherwise, Womens football will completely dominate the headline features of this game for the next edition IMO. I’m not against having womens football in the game, it’s a good thing for sure, but the audience is limited. Or people will play it for a season and then move straight back to the mens game. It is what it is. All I can see is everything else being put on hold to accommodate the inclusion of womens football…and everyone loses that way. The stadiums in this game are horrifically bad and no one from SI ever engages in a conversation about it. As someone stated above, the match day experience is the pinnacle of a football manager simulation - this game massively let’s it down.
  4. They really need to transition to a better system. 2 or 3 patches/data changes per year is really low. There’s a whole bunch of “league specific” issues in lower league management - and even England in general if you include the mistakes with the Carabao cup, this year that should be patched asap, even if they have to release a lot more than the 2/3 patches they seem to settle with. Some of these issues have been reported since the first day of the beta…almost a month has passed and no fix. It’s not good enough…
  5. Any update? It’s been a while since the last comment. Will this be fixed in the next patch?
  6. Considered? It’s a literal rule that is wrong. It should be an easy minor update patch that could be released within a day…if you really wanted to. Disappointed with the amount of rule errors (in England) in the game this year
  7. Is this going to be fixed? It’s been weeks since reported. It breaks save immersion. Put out a minor patch. Shouldn’t have to wait until the next big update in December to fix something like this. Come on SI…
  8. For the best experience you should load as many leagues as possible I make the top 10-15 European leagues playable, the top 5 or so African leagues playable, all the South American leagues, the top 5 Asian leagues, top 5 North American leagues. Only continent I do not load up anything for is Oceania (sorry!) All the other leagues I run as view only. But of course, the layout changes depending on what save you are running…If you are doing a North American save, you will load up every league from that region etc. Download community made league files! Ignore the star speed layout, it’s super misleading - I run with about 150,000 players loaded and half a speed star. Goes fast enough for me, maxes the realism too. I’ve never tried running every single league with every single player loaded though haha. What was the actual processing speed like for that?
  9. It’s a total immersion killer. Even lower league teams that have 2000-3000 terrace grounds with hardly any seating have huge, towering stands in this game with row after row of standing space. Just doesn’t make any sense.
  10. Yep! A stadium editor would be a genuine headline feature, and one of the biggest things they could of added to the game…ever.
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