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85 "There's no crying in baseball"

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  1. Yes, IWBs start wide in early buildup, and come in the centre later. There's also the fact that they might spend loads of time in the centre, but not be found on the ball and be bypassed, which is why I never really trust average position
  2. The main difference is that in image one, your players control how they get to the final third while in image two your team will get to the final third primarily through the centre of the pitch
  3. If you were alright with pushing players up a strata, AP in the CAM strata stays in the halfspace quite well
  4. I still don't think you get the point that has been communicated for the entirety of this forum. The tactic, in my opinion, is subpar: the wings are exposed, attacking play one-dimensional. "Know the game" means knowing exactly what each click does to the game engine. "Know the game" is understanding what factors change when you restart the game. "Know the game" means having 100% access to the formulas that tempo, and directness change, when these forums have three different definitions for each. Right know, ChatGPT "knows the game" as much as an intermediate player who gets the words and what they mean but not much of the significance and how they act in-game.This is what I see but anyway no matter, this post this tactic on a forum anywhere, reddit, here wherever, they'll say that it is too attacking, contradicting styles, etc. For example many would ask why don't you have sweeper keeper for high line, that the wing is too aggressive, and so on and so forth. Especially in the original tactic, which while you say it's a good base (and it is, the instructions work quite well), how many new FM players are going to change 3 roles? My point is treating chatGPT like a trusty resource is worse than using Wikipedia for an academic article: chatGPT realistically doesn't know what's it's talking about. If it was hooked up with how the game worked, the "secret formula", then it would be trusty because it does know what it's talking about
  5. Original tactic had two WBs instead of FBs. But the last line is pointless: that's not what this is about. I'm not you looking for a tactic, but anyone using chatGPT would be, and the tactic they would get is flawed. Simple as that. Now if it knew about the game, was integrated with the game's logic etc. it would be a game-changer: but for now it's pretty flawed and not that close to improving the status quo of FM
  6. Sure, but at that point you've changed almost half the tactic: 2 FBs, 1 CB, 1 CAM, 3 instructions. Realistically chatGPT isn't the resource of choice you would use for this sort of thing,
  7. These were the results I got. Then after BPD adjustment. Never mind the fact that symmetrical roles in tactics isn't the best
  8. I think the tactic is quite poor to be honest. Ignoring the errors such as the winger being in left and right midfield, the duplication of offside trap, higher line of engagement for FM23 etc. the tactic just doesn't work that well. The tactic has almost the exact same qualities up the right as up the left, 3 out of the front four are on attack, both fullbacks move forward and this is all with Oxford City, a National League South team. While more "personalised" than the preset, I think it's not the best tactic for general use.
  9. Attacking 5 channels is very much possible in a 4-3-3, but there are many different ways to do so, and I think of it as a 3 questions to answer. 1. There's the 5 behind that matter: you must decide whether you want a 3-2-5 or a 2-3-5. 4-3-3s in FM shift more easily to 2-3-5 2. Which players will make up the front 5? This bit is the most diverse section. Most in style is 2 wide wingers with two aggressive 8s. But you can accomplish a front 5 with attacking fullbacks and inverted wingers, or one inverted fullback and one attacking one (known as the "steering wheel." 3. How will you penetrate space? (ie. who is on support and who is on attack?) Sometimes you might want a halfspace player to make surging runs beyond the defence to make space for your winger. Sometimes you might want winger who runs in behind to make space for your 8. Adjust roles, duties, and traits according to the skills of your players In your case, I would do a 2-3-5, with Sanchez on FB-S, Ruben Garcia on IW-A with stay narrower and Abde with IW-S/W-S and stay wider. That's a fast way to do it without changing much. Perhaps some things to tinker with in terms of roles are pushing Pena to attack, Moncayola to defend, the 9 to DLF-S and one of your CBs to BPD.
  10. Generally, if you've got loads of attack duties, the bottom unit can't connect to the top unit well and that leads to long balls to bridge the gap. Similar to higher tempo: if it is taking a toll the players will make many on the ball mistakes. The shot then kind of is a representation of all this: the strikers getting the ball quick and making decisions quick.
  11. Did specific traits come into your thinking? I wonder if playing a converted-CB with the brings ball out of defence trait help replicate the de Jong role
  12. In reference to this, I believe there are plenty of spreadsheets in forums for FM that possession adjust defensive metrics. This is the most prominent one I remembered
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