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Posts posted by Hakimziyech

  1. On 30/09/2022 at 21:57, snowofman said:

    it's a resolution issue and because of SI not adding scrollbar to all panels, you end up with this.

    if i were you, i would go into the  non_player_attributes_panel and "shrink" the attributes just enough for you to be able to see everything.

    if you really want to remove the scouting knowledge, you would have to rebuild the the page to have the panels the same way except the  middle lower panel (this  part is said without looking on how the page is setup, but normaly it would be like this)


    Fairs. I'm going to stick it out till FM23 then lol. Hope they take this into account next year, just a minor issue but annoying when you are reorganising haha

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