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Everything posted by EchODAcAt

  1. In the latest update from SI about FM 23 there was no update about the state of International football which left me bitterly disappointed. In my opinion it is made even worse by the fact it is a World Cup year. At the moment it is not great and many don't use the feature/dismiss the feature due to it's inability to be interesting or entertaining. It's hard not hearing about anything because so much of the community wants changes to make it interesting - people want to manage an international team and have the ability to train there players - even if it is for 2 weeks every 2-3 months. People want to be able to increase the familiarity of worse nations with different tactical styles of football. For example, I want to get Australia to play a more physical, technical style of football akin to a intense vertical tiki-taka. Whilst I appreciate this won't happen quickly and I can see the flaws in my next argument in that Australia was better then, but Guss Hidink had Australia playing a style of football they hadn't played before well because he made them buy into the idea. It would be good to be able to make my mark on a national team rather than being forced into a tactical style - where it makes sense of course (for better nations or nations with a footballing ID this would be less applicable OFC, but training to get players into this style after playing different styles would still be beneficial). I will follow this with a poll to show you just how popular this idea might be - it is something that needs to be fleshed out and there isn't much time left pre-release but I think this is something that seriously needs to change - and quick given it's a World Cup year. I know I would by the game if it had some form of training and better interactions as a international manager, otherwise It is a no for me for FM 23
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