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1 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. brilliant suggestion, but I'd be surprised if they updated the news feed as it's already easily the most advanced in any game
  2. Interacting with the other manager on the touchline would add a whole new dynamic to the game and add to the realism of a matchday experience. It could be similar to the shout button, but you could celebrate a goal in front of the other manager, start an argument, leave your dugout area (resulting in punishment), or even just shake hands with the other manager at the end of a game, all would be very fun and interesting to see. Touchline bans could also be implemented if you behave particularly poorly during a match. Personally, I would love to see this in a future fm version, what does everyone think? edit: none of these would need use of the match engine but would be cool to see
  3. Whilst playing in the europa conference league, having disabled the music, it continues to play and replay every highlight. I'm as much of a fan of the europa league music as the next person but it can be a bit overwhelming when you're 2-0 down to dundee.
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