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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. As the game already have mental section in manager profiles, the game needs another section which could contains infos about press conferences section. Why the game should add this is because few players are actually joining the press conferences and those same questions are just becomes boring from some point. With this, the press conferences will be resulted automatically by AI and we could get feedback from our social department or something. This could also lead to our jobs to be unsecure or secure. As players we should choose a "social" path which is going to determine our press conferences. For example, there could be 6 paths to choose as "social" profile, when some events pops up(interactions with football players or something else) our decisions could increase the particular path's percentage alongside other paths. I think that this feature could be very helpful to us. Hope i had be understandable.
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