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Everything posted by Brodie21

  1. It was most definitely not aimed at you. Please accept my apologies for you feeling that. Yours was a comical post that I found amusing.
  2. @NineCloudNine has pretty much said it all. Also, he's not saying you can't have a view, he's simply explaining his. Of course you can have an opinion - we all can. Regards your first question, the mates I have who play / played it simply didn't have the time to play 1-2 games a day, with work & family commitments etc. They managed a few hours in an evening once every two or three weeks if they were lucky. Your second question pretty much ties in with my first answer. Because they were only able to play it occasionally, I think they wanted more of a quicker target e.g. winning a cup, qualifying for Europe etc, than slowly plodding away to build a team that's financially sound, with a squad that's building slowly, the youngsters coming through, improving the facilities, my chipping away at the coaching badges etc. I do this is lower league, where I have always played. That is success to me. To a lot of people, they would find this boring & want the success of trophies. A couple of my mates said if they had all the time in the world to play, they would never play the game as I do. No right or wrong, just comes down to how every individual enjoys the game. That's why after reading @NineCloudNine post, I took a different viewpoint. Rather than how i've thought for around the last three versions of FM, that Gegenpress was a nuisance, that it made the game much easier - in my opinion that is, I could then understand the use of it for players with little time and / or wanted quicker glory. Hope you're enjoying the game
  3. @Bannside of Killowen You're obviously keen like many of us. What a far more pleasant & helpful reply from @MichaelNevo rather than one you received from a regular passive aggressive poster
  4. I am one that totally disagreed with Gegenpress until @NineCloudNine shared his thoughts. In short, if you only have limited time to enjoy the game & build a successful team, this is the tactic for you; if you are fortunate to have more time to afford this great game & to build slowly, avoid it. I have no idea of the figures but all my friends have / had only limited time....i'm just fortunate that I was able to retire early (Ahem) ;-)
  5. I'm playing FM26. Then again, I am a time-traveller
  6. @Mitja @jmlima I've always played the game for slow & steady progression of the team and it's finances. But the few lads I know who play / played the game wanted instant success & would have no interest in the way I play it. I think that's why the Gegenpress feature offers the best of both worlds. Use it for quicker success; avoid it for more reality.
  7. They're dreadful. Same questions, same set of possible answers. I could do them in my sleep
  8. I'm just hearing unconfirmed rumours coming in, that the sister is the secretary, the mum does the books, the gran is the cook & the grandad is the bouncer. Like I say, unconfirmed at this stage. Back to you Jeff
  9. It's an interesting point you raise & a very good one. Genpress is good for the average player who has a little time here & there, and wants success. Nothing wrong in that. Therefore, I agree with you that it should stay in, with us nerds as you say, simply avoiding it I did like using it & playing wide players who cut in, in the mould of Salah, Saka etc & miss not playing that way but I took Southport from the Vanarama National North to Division 1 too easily with it. This though, is where your point comes in, most players of the game want to win, whereas I want steady growth. Any idea what it's like playing with those wide players who cut in without using Genpress? Is it still easier or is it just the use of Genpress that causes what i'll call 'an unfair advantage?'
  10. I'm an average manager who has played the game for years. Whenever i've used Genpress, i've excelled ridiculously. To me, Genpress = hitting the 'cheat' button. Shame. My favourite game by far but I think there's been little progression on new features in recent years. Worse still, no progression on improving known issues like this.
  11. With the leaping advances of AI in general, it is something that desperately needs to be updated within the whole game e.g. choice of players, positions, formations, transfer targets etc
  12. I feel that i've just had my palm read & been told the future's bleak :-( Seriously, appreciate your thoughts & very much appreciate they are only predictions
  13. Think that is an excellent point. I think they'll just want everything that's currently working, to work on the new platform. Maybe an alternative question is how do you think the game will be on the new platform. Better? Worse? Little difference to now? Thoughts?
  14. Hmmm interesting. I will definitely delve into that more. Thanks
  15. Where / How do you find these hidden attributes please?
  16. Never go to bed on a bad result ;-)
  17. Thanks, Sorry for being stupid but where is the option? I've looked where it used to be in the training section but I can't see it. All I can see is training for a role they're already capable in (Position Role / Duty), working on free kicks etc (Additional Focus), Intensity Level & Weaker Foot Training.
  18. Are you unable to train someone in a new position any longer? It's not something i've done in a while, so this option may have been removed long ago.
  19. With womens football coming into the game, as it yet been decided whether the womens team will be added to clubs - along with the clubs under 21's, under 18's etc, or will it be an option you can switch off at the beginning of the game, when you select the leagues you want?
  20. The ability to have all of your players names displayed within a match without the other teams. It's far too messy at corners etc when the other teams players names are shown.
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