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Everything posted by Brodie21

  1. I find my own judgement of a player can vary from his stats - on some occasions, considerably. I have players with very average stats who are my key players, whilst I have some players with great stats who underwhelm. Also, my mark out of 10 for players can vary a lot from the match card. Anyone else find this? Any thoughts?
  2. This does annoy me. I realise a new manager will bring in their own players but they always rip the team up immediately. I do long-term saves in lower leagues & after a few seasons, it's a nice thought to move on but to still keep an eye out on your old team, to see what's improved or declined. However, as you say, the team & squad is torn apart & very quickly it bares no resemblance to the club you managed only a short while ago.
  3. If you fail to meet a 'required' demand from the supporters, would that put the board in a position where they would sack you? The boards demands are fine but it's very unlikely to finish above Nairn as they are several points above us with few games to go.
  4. Lol sounds a plan Hope your health issues improve & thank you for all the info
  5. That's great. Thanks for that update Neal. Could I please ask how many leagues you're able to run as 'playable' with that set up? Hope you're enjoying your retirement
  6. Thanks, i'll have a look through that now. And thank you for your kind words
  7. Yep, chucking a bit of money at it may be the best option. And thanks for the shout
  8. Thank you for your knowledge on the issue & thank you very much for your kind words
  9. Thank you. I know a chap who builds the spec. I just haven't really much idea what to ask him for. I've said I want a very good spec but he's said I should get some idea from people in the know what I would require. As I say, I would like to be able to have every single league playable, on a 4 / 5 star set up (e.g. intervals between games should be brief), and be able to select the highest graphics. To be honest, even if someone could state a spec that would be far more than enough than I would require, I would be very happy with that, as I would at least know what I was asking for.
  10. That's a very fair point. I suppose I would be happy with a system where I could choose the highest graphics & where at set up, I get 4 or 5 stars where it states something on the lines of "breaks in between games should be brief." Sorry to be a nuisance but since retiring it's a little project for myself to have the best set up for the only game i've ever been interested in. Just a little treat for myself.
  11. Thanks. That's the thread i've looked at but unfortunately I can't seem to find an answer in it it answers my specific question. Sorry to bother you & thank you for pointing out that thread.
  12. I realise there is a specific topic for what equipment is best for running previous & current FM versions but i've just retired and would like to treat myself to a specific build pc that would enable me to have every league available as 'playable' - not 'view only', on the new platform arranged for FM25, where it will enable me to select the highest graphics & for it to run at the highest performance. I would like to purchase it now as a retirement present to myself. If anybody could assist with any info on what I would need to ask for, I would be very grateful.
  13. I like your first suggestion. Let's create a game that can do that. Within 20 years we could be as big as FM
  14. Often new owners want to bring their own man in, as in real life. Brush yourself down & get back on the horse. Enjoy!
  15. I am in my 14th season with Southport. In that time I have taken the club from the Vanarama North Division to Division 1. I now find ourselves unable to cope with the quality of opposition & languish in the relegation zone after 10 games. My board & supporters have rated me as A+ for years but now they grade me as a C. My question to my FM Forum family is this: I am currently running the clubs finances pretty bang on whereby we aren't profiting but we're not losing any money. I am spending £875k on wages and although the board will allow me to spend £1,535k on wages & have a transfer budget of £270k, this would put the club in a position where we are losing money each month. We currently have £1.7 mil in the bank. Would you go out & buy better players on bigger contracts in attempt to stave off relegation or would you keep working with what you have & keep the club economically viable?
  16. Maccy D's. Other burger establishments are available
  17. You're getting a hammering here, so i'm going to try to be pleasant. I understand that people are looking for perfection in all walks of life - not just this game but the burger you buy in the morning, the day at work you have, the partner you come home to & the pint of cider you have on the evening (probably the most important of all those) ;-) By asking for feedback from a good team of people who you put down in one sweeping comment, is not going to endear you to them. I think they've been pretty kind to reply to you at all. For my personal opinion of the game, it's the best by a country mile. I wouldn't even consider an alternative. One day maybe? Maybe but I don't see that day anywhere soon where a rival game touches FM. Have I got things I would change? You bet. I'd like my star players to stop complaining when I drop them for a match, then go to a team two leagues lower for less money & accept a 'fringe player' role. I'd also like to get my target transfers but lose out once again to a team two divisions lower for a lot less than I was offering. Does it bug me? Sure, but i'm sure if you asked every player on here & everyone on the SI team - even Miles, i'm sure they would have their own tweaks they would like for the game. We're never going to get perfection - just like the partner & the pint of cider you go home to. (The cider issue could be resolved if your partner had remembered to put it in the fridge of course.) ;-) Seriously, I know lots of things can be frustrating. It most probably isn't worth getting worked up about. The mods & developers can't work on all the requests made, else they'd be working round the clock for years & the resulting game from that would be totally different and full of bugs, and nobody wants that. Take care buddy
  18. Very interesting read. I've been playing FM forever & love the game. Like you, I am many seasons in, so sounds like you enjoy it too. Thanks for the tips!
  19. Yep, it's crazy. In the modern era of football being a squad game, I am having to get rid of my best player. I played in English Div2 & am now in Div 1. I have to drop him for some games because he's unfit. Even the personal assistant sent me messages numerous times last season that he needs a rest. Whether I rest him or play him for most matches, he's still not happy. So, he's got to go. The ironic thing is - which brings up another issue, is that he'll probably go to a team in Div 2 or Vanarama National & be happy to be a 'fringe player' for a lot less money. (I have had this happen multiple times - not only in this version of FM. A superb game but some fundamental errors that could really do with ironing out rather than thinking of additional features.
  20. How would you suggest the international game could be improved within FM? I've often heard it should be improved but how would you go about it?
  21. @FrazT - thanks for that info. Think i'm just having a couple of bad seasons regards injuries. Think I may need to beg the board fir a bigger squad
  22. Not a complaint, a mere query. I'm experiencing multiple injuries in my small squad - many long-term. Anyone else getting this or just a freak couple of seasons for me?
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