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Everything posted by Brodie21

  1. When my scouts make a list of suggestions, the 'cards view' only displays one of the listed suggestions in detail. Am I able to view all of the suggestions in the detailed 'card view'? I've tried everything but only seem to clear all suggested players.
  2. I've never done it for results. The only time I do it - and have my back-up save every single time, is when I am offered a new job. I feel it unrealistic to accept a job without knowing the finances. I play LLM, so by their simply stating finances are 'OK', then find you're £300k in the red & haemorrhaging £40k per month is not something I take lightly lol
  3. Thanks Neil. I appreciate your time in replying to me. However, I must say I feel this is a very basic request to have to make & I don't understand why the option which you always offered was removed. Thanks again
  4. Totally agree. It's funny that you say about not purchasing FM23 because I think i'm going to go back to FM20 / FM21, where you could turn this nonsense off. Surely you should be able to decide for yourself whether you want the constant interruptions or not. It's totally bizarre!
  5. I watch on comprehensive highlights. Are you saying you have to have it set to 'full match' to be able to turn of the constant notifications?!?
  6. I do NOT want to have part of my screen almost constantly covered with flashing updates of other matches & league tables. For GOD sake, PLEASE tell me how I can turn this off! Thank you
  7. I hope you grilled him & took him off penalty taking duties. Sounds like he'd been out on the pop all evening the night before....the swine
  8. Pick a position (or more than one) & name the attributes you mainly look for in that / those position(s). Or maybe there is / are attribute(s) that you look for irrespective of position. I'd like to see the minds of my fellow managers out there
  9. Do you ever get a player who's player stats & match ratings are average at best, but always seem to do pretty damn good in matches?
  10. Could someone confirm of this is the case? I find it difficult to believe that it can't be switched off. Thanks
  11. Wow! Really?! I thought it was me being daft. That seems crazy. I find it so distracting.
  12. Realise this is very basic but can't see how to turn off the results of other games keep displaying during match play.
  13. Vanarama National League South. First season in, 12 sacked (50% of the league) in just 3 months (October 2nd - January 2nd). This really should be high up on the 'to fix' list
  14. Is there a way of stopping constant questions from the press e.g. "are you open to working abroad?", "what do you think of x struggling at y?" etc. Thanks
  15. @fw190a8Thank you so much for your reply with this info. I have been in the editor for two days now, so know which sections you are referring to. I will complete this & really look forward to my game. Thank you very much
  16. Ah, thanks. Been trying to do that for two days solid via the editor but messing up every time. Appreciate the reply
  17. Could someone please advise how I add a reserve team & a league for them to play in? I have the in-game & standard FM editors but am really lost. I've been trying for two days solid. Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you
  18. @cleiriaHi. Do you know how I can remove the age restrictions of players playing in the under 18 league? I would like to use it as a reserve team for all ages. Appreciate any help you can advise. Thank you
  19. Could someone tell me how I remove the age restriction please? I have the in-game & standard FM editors. Thanks
  20. Yep same happened to me. As a quick-fix you can still faintly see the button in the top right-hand corner (saying 'continue' or whatever.) If you click on that you should get your game going again without losing it
  21. The team you are managing are always shown as the home team in the match report. In this case, it's Wealdstone who play at Grosvenor Vale.
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