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1 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. my point is that the hannover should be preferred at it is a more important derby. currently Hannover is only favoured and not preferred (in my save atleast) while with the screenshot i provided shows that the wolfsburg derby is the more important matchday for the fans. // also sidenode, the shirt numbers of braunschweig are also currently not up to date
  2. yeah exactly, it should be the other way around. The derby against Hannover is the most important game (from a fans perspective) the relevance should be switched so Be competitive against Hannover should be Preferred Be competitive against Wolfsburg should be only Favoured
  3. pretty sure you gotta open a new thread, since this was my issue. if mods could close my thread it would be delightful
  4. Im playing as Eintracht Braunschweig in the second division of Germany. Im also a fan of Eintrach Braunschweig in real life. The Supporter Expections say the care more about beating VFL Wolfsburg than Hannover 96. This should be switched. we really dont care much about the Wolfsburg Derby, as its a club with no tradition and with no real derby tradition. We still dont like them but we dont really care that much about playing against them. Meanwhile with the Hannover Derby there are cultural and historic reasons why we "hate" eachother so much. (A german video explaining why) Please just change the importance between Wolfsburg and Hannover, so the fans care more about beating hannover than wolfsburg. -with regards, from a Braunschweig fan.
  5. Im playing as Eintracht Braunschweig in the second division of Germany. Im also a fan of Eintrach Braunschweig in real life. There are 2 issues currently i switched the game to german and the page is in english The Supporter Expections say the care more about beating VFL Wolfsburg than Hannover 96. This should be switched. we really dont care much about the Wolfsburg Derby, as its a club with no tradition and with no real derby tradition. We still dont like them but we dont really care that much about playing against them. Meanwhile with the Hannover Derby there are cultural and historic reasons why we "hate" eachother so much. (A german video explaining why) Please just change the importance between Wolfsburg and Hannover, so the fans care more about beating hannover than wolfsburg. -with regards, from a Braunschweig fan.
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