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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
  1. Is anyone having a massive problem with playing away? I'm currently managing Dortmund; my home form is played 7, Won 6 and Drew 1. My away form is played 7, won 1 and lost 6. I've tried my usual tactic but more defensive when playing away but that's not working either. I'll play teams in really poor form, and they will just be all over my team. Have never had this big of a problem on previous football managers.
  2. It looks like I don't meet the correct spec to run this years game. Is there much I can do about this apart from getting a new PC? I have bought the game and I keep getting an unknown error while updated football manager which I have seen people had a similar problem earlier in the forum which now looks like they have resolved. I have tried everything from updating my mac to unstalling FM. Can anybody help as I just want to play the new FM!
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