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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  • Currently Managing
    West ham

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  1. the glitched player was angelo ogbonna, he wanted to discuss end of contract options but was on leave of absence due to being homesick, you can bypass the must respond by going on holiday and the "glitch" fixes itself once the player returned from leave of absence
  2. hi mate, i have a save from 6 days before the sackings (lets hope it still happens, its called on the cloud : glitch - West Ham.fm it has another glitch on as well (already reported it) so you may encounter that on the way to the manager sackings (happened on the 16th October to the 19th October)
  3. the most recent save i have uploaded to the cloud if you need it, its called glitch - West Ham.fm
  4. hi mate i dont have it from then however it keeps happening, want me to send the save just later on in the year (still glitch tho)
  5. can be bypassed by going on holiday but keeps popping up every few days until the player comes back from leave of absence
  6. Player homesick, sent them back to there nation , couple of days later they want to discuss options at end of contract, unable to discuss due to them being away, means you cannot advance any further
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