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  1. I uploaded the save file to ownCloud, the file name is Binggoman - Man Utd vs Chelsea before match.fm.
  2. match_recording.recIt happens again. Here is the REC file, Man Utd vs Chelsea.
  3. Whoops, it happened again. Been playing fine for hours, and then suddenly player names are gone again. Clearing cache didn't fix this.
  4. Clearing the cache fixes this, thanks. And no, I didn't use any custom skin. I was using the default one.
  5. Cannot see player names during two matches (or more, I don't remember). I play on Macbook Air M1, changing game resolution constantly when I connect my laptop to an external monitor (2560x1440) and when I go mobile and only use my laptop display (1440x900).
  6. This happened to me too. I removed old scouting focus too many times they keep coming back.
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