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Issue Comments posted by Wong77

  1. 19 分钟前, Zachary Whyte说:

    Hello, can you please provide us with some more detailed information.

    In the pre-season phase, three league games before being able to generate match analyses, when choosing to add a defensive viewable view to the team performance column, the game got stuck. In this case, the probability of it happening is 100%, and I encountered this problem in every save and ended up having to force close the game externally.

  2. 35 分钟前, HurriKANE说:

    This finally worked for me as well, though it took a couple of rounds of toggling the rules on and off, setting the game to run as an admin from the exe file, and restarting my computer a couple of times. But the game did finally load.

    Two possibly relevant pieces of info: When I first went to disable the rules, I had two sets of rules for FM 24 (two private and two domain). After initially trying with all off, I deleted one set of rules. 

    I toggled the now one set of rules off, tried to run, then on, tried to run, then off, tried to run. The game still didn't launch. THEN I restarted my computer, and lo and behold, it runs! I checked the rules, and now one (Domain) is on and one (Private) is off. 

    Hope that helps someone else! Thanks to all

    Hey could you share a screenshot of the rules? Thanks!

  3. 7 分钟前, Jimmy Wong说:

    Hi guys, our dev team would like to get some more information to aid our investigation, please see instruction below:

    1. Download the attached file "sav-system-report.bat".

    2. Double-click the file in File Explorer - it will run through a process to create a system report and create a .zip folder (the process could last a couple of minutes).

    3. Change the name of the .zip folder to your forum username.

    4. Upload the .zip folder to OwnCloud and reply here with the folder's name.




  4. 47 分钟前, _Radders_说:

    I managed to get mine running without re-install of windows, but I cannot 100% say/confirm steps to resolve. 

    In between the last time I was not able to launch it and the first time I launched it successfully I:

    -disabled the outbound firewall rule for fm24.exe in windows firewall. Then tried to launch it via Steam and also direct via the fm24.exe (via right click + run as admin) which didn't work. 

    -after that I re-enabled the outbound firewall rule for fm24.exe and then tried again to launch via Steam which again didn't work. 

    However, when I then tried to run again direct from the fm24.exe with right click + run as admin, the game booted for the first time!

    I'm still unable to start the game via Steam or via a desktop shortcut, if I do I see the same symptoms as before. However the game does now boot every time from the fm24.exe and right click + run as admin.

    Unsure if this works for anyone else or helps, but wanted to share none the less just in case. 

    I tried but didn’t work.

  5. 9 分钟前, Kyle Brown说:

    Apologies for the delay Liam, give the below steps a try. Can only apologise for the trial and error, it's not an issue we've encountered before.

    - Open Steam and access your Games Library

    - Right-click on [Football Manager title] -> Properties -> General -> Set Launch Options

    - Type this in the box: --config very_low

    - Click on OK, close the window and launch FM through Steam

    still doesn't work.

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