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6 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. The hardest thing for me when my save advances into the future is keeping invested in it after my team is pretty much where I want it to be and I'm winning games. I would love it if the player dynamics and the personalties of players had more of an impact to cause a bit of chaos that forces you into making decisions. Players falling out with each other or a player alienating himself with the squad causing further issues within the squad putting you in a position where you have to choose whether or not sell an individual or a group of players, with there being more consequences and urgency if discontent is leaked to the press and becomes common knowledge. Eg, your star striker miffs the entire squad and it's affecting coehsion and performances. Meetings could vent these frustrations and if nothing's done, it's leaked to the press. Maybe the board dont want to sell him because of factors like shirt sales, and the fans want to keep a great player around at the club but the actual affect it's having on the team is detrimental. You have to either sell them and that has an negative impact on the board and fans, or you keep him and it causes rifts in the squad, or 2 players fall out and for the betterment of the team, one needs to go and you need to make that decision similar to when Ruud left Manchester United after his argument with Ronaldo. For me, it woukd keep things interesting and add further narrative. There's so many scenarios that could force your hand into what direction you take the squad. Have a player square up to me like I'm Alan Pardew. Dynamics already establish who's friends with who which could factor into things as well as clashing personality traits causing rifts as well. Supporter confidence being added to this edition of the game opens the door for more expression from fans on what they want to happen in the scenario as well, making it a lot more difficult to make a decision when it has a domino effect on multiple stakeholders. I get there may be legalisties with real players with defamation, but for newgens it'd add a whole different dynamic and experience to the game once you reach a point where newgens are common and adds incentive to get to that point.
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