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Posts posted by Omen064

  1. I can't decide if it's a bug or a feature, so it's going in here to see if others have this experience

    Hitting the post and/or the crossbar is nuts in the game - particularly after the most recent update. Any team in sub-optimal form will hit the post 2-3 times a match. I don't know if this is a match engine thing but it's happening so regularly at this point that I expect it, especially if the forwards' form dips a bit.

    Honestly, it's frustrating as it doesn't happen nearly as much in real life; Darwin Nunez has hit the post 9 times in 25 games this season so far, and that is a massive outlier compared to the norm. The average PER TEAM is 8.8 (according to the official Premier League stats).

    My FM team have hit the woodwork 90 times in 600 shots. They've hit the post MORE THAN THEY HAVE SCORED (65)!

  2. I'm getting a lot of highlights that feature my highly composed, reasonably capable passer-of-the-ball Premier League CB kicking the ball directly at the opposition forward. Like, it's not like it was an interception - if these hospital passes happened as frequently in real life there would be match-fixing allegations.

    I can understand the odd interception, but can you fix the ME so it doesn't look like players are quite so inept?

  3. Here's a thing I wonder if other people have noticed...
    If my team are in relatively 'shaky' form - as in, not winning games regularly, spurning lots of easy chances, etc. - have you noticed how the officiating decisions *all* favour the AI team?

    I've noticed - maybe anecdotally, which is why I'm asking - that we're suddenly giving away penalties that the in-game commentary says are 'questionable', "that looked onside" goals being disallowed, tight calls not going my way, and after-game news items suggesting the ref was favouring the other team.

    I don't think this is the first time I've noticed this in an FM game. I hate to say the simulation aspect is rigged to enforce these spells, but it's definitely been the case for me more than once; usually early in a season, too. Anyone else pick up on this?

  4. Again, not necessarily a bug report, but:

    In my last 5 games, the AI goalkeepers have had the following exact ratings: 7.1, 8.5, 7.4, 7.8, 8.0

    I wouldn't mind it every once in a while, to be honest. Except...the highest my keeper has had all season is a 7.5. Once. His current average is 6.32, despite being rated as 'good' for my division.

    It's a bit boring that the only thing stopping me storming the division is Manuel Neuer clones every week. Unless this was the solution to the high-scoring matches...?

  5. Might be a bug/misunderstanding with the way the ME interprets data, but I'm 99% sure I've seen my team hit the woodwork in a game, but it's not shown on the post-match analysis as being a 'hit woodwork' shot.

    I have to say since the update, although the goals-per-game has dropped off the AI teams are still outscoring their XG every game and my elite forwards are struggling to hit the backside of a barn door...

  6. I hope they also fix that 'bug' where the corner taker will get the ball played back to them and is *always* offside. Ruins the game for me.

    I've got nearly 70 hours into the game now and it's the same stuff that's really breaking my immersion and switching me off. A lot of it listed above. The game has simply decided I'm not allowed to win with the number of penalties I concede, stupid last minute equalisers, all players from the same position getting injured, getting battered by the team bottom of the league, etc. It's way worse in FM24 than it was in previous versions. Much more pronounced, for sure.

  7. Does anyone else feel like xG has become meaningless in FM24? I regularly get over 1.5-2.0 xG but don't score. Meanwhile the opposition cruises a 2-0 lead with a 0.46 xG. I can forgive the odd game, but this is virtually every match. Oh, and most of those xG goals are the 30-yard screamers, btw. You know the ones I'm talking about - the chances my players balloon over the bar at regular intervals.

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