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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"


  • Interests
    Football Manager

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    Winkel Sport

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  1. Thank you for this! Yeah I was getting this for the ps5 but needing a 90min sub to change the game lol regarding the leagues/database am easy. Just looking for that happy medium. Know my system won’t run anywhere near to top half. But just a couple of leagues maybe 5/8 possible 10! But again thanks, have a great day day.
  2. Hey guys, looking for some assistance. Will my Mac run FM23, also to the best of your knowledge what do you think I could get away playing wise, amount of leagues, size of DB kinda thing. (Understand this is a really tough one to answer) As always much appreciated!
  3. Hi guys! Will this run FM23 and if so what do you think with how many leagues running etc? Many thanks in advance!
  4. Keep your chin up, hopefully once the dusts settle we will get a a new fresh update for a release day.
  5. Hello guys! Would it be possible to have a randomiser button. When you start a new save you have the option to use the random club button? Could be great addition and to roll it out over all platforms!
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