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2 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. I'm going to go on the most frequent frustrations that transcend any save I have on fm23, and for that matter, some older iterations too. 1. Automation is not good enough: I hire the top physios, and sports scientists. Yet the game only allows me to set training intensity guidelines per squad (the intensity set on the heart colour). I can click, 'set physio recommendation', but i can't tell the game to automatically apply physios recommendation. 2. I want my guidelines for training to permeate what my assman sets up for training. I should be able to have a game review after every match. I should be able to rest players who played 60 mins / 75 mins / 90 mins for a day automatically as an automation option. 3. The AI for my players isn't good enough. I used the editor to make a team of perfect players, as a test. Those players would make basic elemtary mistakes that would get academy players kicked out of a program. These are the ultimate elite players, who ought to be able to make good decisions on a moment to moment basis despite any team or player instructions that contradict. In essence, it doesn't feel like player stats. s actually differentiate players enough 4. The game just wants me more involved, but it isn't really management that is realistic. We hire staff to be able to delegate and not need to micromanage every little thing. If we want to, we have the option. But I want to be less involved in the nitty gritty and be the brain overseeing the master plan.
  2. Thanks for that. I will try to use it when the next time occurs. Good stopgap for now. Cheers
  3. Yeh of course I have. I don't disagree that there are a large number of prima donas out there plying their trade at the elite levels, I'm looking at you Neymar. What I find unrealistic in this simulator is the extent to which player morale seems to affect performance during a match. Let's say I encourage my Leicester side at 1-0 up, midway into second half. I want to spur them on to score again to have a cushion. Harvey Barnes loses all interest and goes into strolling mode for the next 15 minutes. The level of effort he puts in becomes virtually non-existent (think along the lines of a heavily injured player who can't be subbed off). This is a young, determined player IRL. Even if he were upset at being berated, as a professional he would keep playing to a reasonable degree of effort.
  4. The game has become more and more, moral manager, rather than a football manager. These professionals are adults, and they will give pretty much their all regardless, barring a situation where the entire team is losing week after week. The most annoying thing about this game is the shouts in-game. My team are all 'composed', game-is at nil-nil. I give them some encouragement, which would almost always inspire them. However, should you be lucky enough to score right after you've given them encouragement, they become unhappy. Well, I encouraged BEFORE they scored. Why is it only applied after. This happens so often it is infuriating. I seriously doubt I'll ever purchase fm again and I've been playing since the beginning.
  5. I humbly request that wing backs are grouped together with the fullbacks (D/WB R is far away from DR, with DC in between) Also, maybe possibly consider if DR/WB R/L should be near each other, not either side of DC. Thanks.
  6. Excellent, thank you. I don't know if you'll reply here with any results but would love to know if it is something I am doing wrong. I also have some similar scenarios happening on attacking corners. The players I instructed to stay back sprint into opponents half when they win possession from my corners. Then they are far behind play when the opponent is counter attacking.
  7. It is too congested when ticking the show all player names option. I want to quickly see how my players are moving etc, but without having to read their names in between the opponent's names. I don't care about them. I can't believe this simple thing isn't an option, it must be so easy to code this in.
  8. Ruben Dias is in position, in the middle of a 3-man defence the ball turns over to the opponent, they spread it out wide. He immediately sprints into the opponent's half, nowhere near the ball. He already has a man right next to him to mark but leaves him all on his own. He doesn't stop running forwards, despite the ball already being beyong him, until the ball is played through to the striker who Ruben left alone already. No opposition instructions for the team tactic. Ruben is on Covering defender, with press less Personal instruction. he does this loads, then I swap him out for stones, who does the same thing too. Norwich v Man City.pkm
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