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6 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Cant wait for the pundits excuse of "he has to play a deep back 5 because the defenders aren't good enough or quick enough" even though he's left Tomori at home Tomori, Stones and White are all capable of playing as CBs in a back 4 with a high line but instead we will get this folly Its going to be even more turgid than normal SouthgateBall because its SouthgateBall in 40 degree heat
  2. What he will take: What he should take: We are going out in the group stages, USA and Wales will qualify France will win the entire thing beating Spain or Croatia in the final I saw it in a dream
  3. Chuffed Giroud made it. One of my favourite active players and he deserves it for his form at Milan Has the chance to become France's highest ever goal scorer at the world cup
  4. I have had success in previous years using both "much shorter passing" and "pass into space" at the same time, and on my first little save this year I won the world cup with England using a tactic that had both (Although England seem very OP this year so I wouldn't read too much into that) Its hard to answer your question accurately though as you cannot look at any instruction/selection of instructions through a singular prism without taking into account the rest of the tactic. If you are looking to keep control of the ball then something is clearly going wrong averaging 30% possession and so I would definitely switch off "pass into space" until you figure out a way to keep hold of the ball better as this instruction leads to more "risky" passes The 4-3-3 is a very good shape for keeping hold of the ball so there is nothing wrong with your formation but the rest of your player roles and instructions need looking at (unless you are one of the worst teams in your league in terms of the quality of your players, in which case you can expect to go without the ball for long periods of a game) The two things that spring to mind first are your Tempo and your Defensive instructions - especially your Defensive Line and pressing If you are instructing your players to play at a very high tempo they will naturally lose the ball more often and keep hold of it for smaller periods of time If you are instructing your team to sit deep and be passive when out of possession then your possession stats will naturally drop as you are allowing the opponent more time and space on the ball and encouraging them to keep it for longer Could you post your full tactic with player roles and all instructions? It would be more helpful to see the entire picture
  5. Thanks I'll just buy a brand new Iphone to save £4.99 for the next 3 months
  6. The challenge I have been doing for the last few years is something actually inspired by an old challenge thread I originally saw on here but unfortunately there didn't seem to be any discussion of it at all on fm22 The Gibraltar Challenge Using the official SI Gibraltar League expansion the (lofty) goal of this challenge is to win the world cup with minnows Gibraltar Those familiar with the San Marino challenge will recognise the mechanics - Start as EITHER a club team manager in Gibraltar and eventually get the international job too or start as both club and country manager from the off, and develop the clubs facilities to a point where they can produce a generation of players capable of competing at the biggest stage of them all (using income mainly from European competition to do so) For an added challenge I prefer to start as any club other than the only two professional clubs on the rock, so you have the early game challenge of trying to dislodge them starting with a team of amateurs - turning your attention to European and then International football when you have achieved domestic domination I must confess I have never even come close to achieving this one, with a late heartbreak in European Championship qualifiers losing our spot in the tournament on the last matchday being as far as I have got without quitting a save but it doesn't stop me trying every year. I have seen people on here do it by the mid 2040s though
  7. This database on 22 gave me the most fun I've had with FM in years. Thanks for doing this again
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