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  1. Yeah, I have also heard this about the MacBook Air, hence why I was looking at the pro, but for the price might be a bit overkill for what I will use it for? That bottom one doesn’t look too bad, but again would the rtx 3070 be a bit overkill just for playing FM & watching movies/series?
  2. Hi, I'm looking to get a laptop mainly for fm & watching YouTube/Netflix on. I want one where I can load say 6 odd leagues, face packs & have the game running smoothly, as well as sometimes having a video running in the background on YouTube. Something slim, that will have good battery, not be too hot or loud from the fans & will last me for a long time. I was thinking of getting a MacBook Air, but the no fans/256gb put me off & I feel like paying £1700 for a laptop you can’t upgrade the ssd or ram on for a pro might not be worth it.. Any help/suggestions would be great. Budget is between £1000-£1400. Though I don’t currently have a laptop, so anything is a boost on nothing lol
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