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1 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. I'm using the cutout megapack and some players profile won't load their profile pictures (see attachment) I've tried to clear the cache and reload skin, but it didn't fix the problem. I've tried to remove the megapack and re-download it, but still getting the same results. Does anyone know how it can be fixed?
  2. I understand that, but this was the exact opposite from what I've encounter. another example: when having a tactic with too many attack duties which will lead to long shots due to opposition parking the bus, and it will end up with you having 23 shots vs the A.I with 2 shots from long range, and scores one from 35m and wins 1-0( this does happen in real life, but not almost every game). This makes me understand that it's a tactical issue rather than luck (the way the engine translate it) Assuming I'm a new player with a very little football knowledge, how am I able to understand what is wrong without an official manual? May I ask please, where did you get this from? Is it relevant to FM17? if you understood that from my post, I'm sorry but this was never my intention. I was digging a lot in the forum & the community here is amazing. My complain is for SI manual guide which is non-existence. how someone with very little knowledge of football who is passion about the simulation games will be able to not getting frustrated when there's no manual and official guides that helps to follow. The current post I read sometimes contradict themselves, i.e I used to read a wingback is not recommended to play with a winger on the same side, because they occupy the same space (or something like that), but then I see so many tactics using wingback and wingers on the same side that are being recommended by the people claiming that it's not recommended. A customer needs to understand of why he's failing even thought he have the right players for the right roles and a tactics which makes sense, but repeatedly in being beaten in matches in an unconvincing way regardless if any changes made. I'm not reffering to players who plays the game in a certain way i.e choosing the best & reaches clubs in the game & buying the best players in game, having the best players every tactic would work because of the quality of the players. But I'm reffering to ppl who play's the game on a different way.
  3. Sure. With all the limitations it might have, it's still football language though, the principles shouldn't differ. In previous "guides" I was reading/taught football principles, while they might be true for real life execution, it has nothing to do with the game and what the match engine capable of. i.e in fm17, I've seen many mods here suggesting "who gonna attack space" when someone posted a tactic of his own with mostly support duties and 3 players on defend duties, playing on control mentality and flexible (later they might suggesting adding attacking duties to certain players to attack space). Now I see this tactics for fm23 with only attacking duties and only 1 support duty, it just doesn't make sense because If I were to see someone posting in the forum such tactic seeking to get help, he might be suggested to change their duties. It makes other principles that was guided in the previous FM in the forum being irrelevant in term of football, and it feel they were implemented to manipulate the m.e. P.S. I know that control mentality is positive, and defensive mentality is a negative mentality, however, with all attack duties, everyone bomb forward, playing direct football, no enough support duties to "recycle possession". edit: The point is, it's misleading, leads to confusion and the community deserve a better guide made by SI for ppl to have a better understaing of the game. with all due respect, none of us customers are Mourinho, Sarri.... and even if they were the game has obligation to how much it can stimulate real life. its unfair for SI to expect ppl to read so much and after a while to change the M.E in a way that the old principles I've read is not relevant.
  4. I'm playing FM17 and this neglects everything I've read on previous FM's guides and previous threads in this forums. I felt like I knew more about football before reading about tactics in this forums and the guides just led to confusions in creating tactics.
  5. The DF and DLF move into channel isn't 'hardcoded' but can be ticked. Are you suggesting that when playing solo striker it's better for him to move into channels so he won't get isolated? - when I chose the defensive mentality, my main focus was to have 11 man behind the ball in order to have solid defense and using the ball wisely while it's in our control = cautiously. I also do prefer that players with higher decision making, vision, anticipation, passing etc... are gonna be the creative minds, I don't want everyone to play risky passes because I do have players with vision - 11. - I did want to sit deep but also not to invite the opposition too close to my goal, this is why I thought choosing slight higher line might help with that. - I do prefer to press high but I'm not sure if my team is capable. - I think I've seen my players many times being isolated in transition, but reading your entire reply made me realize maybe I didn't choose the right roles & duties combinations so I don't know if the isolation problem might still be a thing. while typing about transition, I was reading @The3pointscomment: "A CM-S on Counter (or Cautious) has a cautious mentality and will sit deeper. Same with a WB-S. CM-A will be positive. Nobody is really going for it as much as they should be because of a lower mentality." and now it all make sense why they were getting isolated. Regarding attack: it also depends against who I'm playing against, right? for instance, I won't play against Swansea the same way as I play against city. Swansea like to sit dip and camp so patient approach might be more suited, right? while against city, they might press from the beginning, so more direct to space is a better choice against city, right? I guess those are 2 different approaches needs to be played? - in regard to defend: Again, this quite depends who the opponent is, right? if I press a team that sits back, it won't make me vulnerable ? I do like pressing play style of football (win fast and building the attack) but I reckon, even if I have a passion to re-create real life tactics I assume it might not be as practical or might be a limitation to what can be achieved on a PC game. Since I'm learning the game, I do prefer having results 1st rather than being too adventurous in terms or replicating certain tactic untill I really understand the game and how to manage properly. You mean like this? For both DFs and DLFs roles, move into channel (PI) isn't assigned but can be assigned to both. by using HB, does it mean that the HB drops deep between the CD's the center backs defend wide areas? 1) Isn't the IF-at and CM-at are going to interfere each other space? isn't the left side going to be exposed (even If I switch it to full back due to 2 attacking duties on the same flank?) 1) so in which occasion lower mentalities can be used? Question in regard to duties: how do I know if I'm not using too much or less attacking duties? I need 1 attack duty on each side and 1 in the middle (while playing 3 in the middle), in order to gain penetration & movement? Apologies if there are any grammar mistakes or if I misunderstood your explanation, English isn't my 1st language.
  6. Thank you very much for the response again. I thought defensive mentality in game doesn't necessarily mean "defensive". then I have few question: 1) isn't high mentality = high risk? meaning, higher risk = more direct passing/pass into space? 2) in terms of rules & duties, did I got it right? 3) Do I only need to change the way I perecieve mentality? I feel a bit confused.
  7. With short passing to unlock the defense creating quality chances rather than hoofing the ball into space. I don't know, maybe I'm doing something wrong and my tactical appraoch isn't suited. I don't understand the question, would you mind to rephrase it? what do you mean?
  8. Thank you for the reply. I think I've read that mentality is like a template so I can then choose the TI's according to the way I want my players to play. So I choosed the slight higher line so my players won't drop too deep an invite heavy pressure. Is it wrong?
  9. I've played so far and the results are terrible. My players keep taking long range shots. I tried to do the following but no luck: 1) I added width (team instruction) and also raised the MR & ML to the AMR-Wsu/AML-IFa position and I increased the mentality to counter + I removed the short passing, it did improved to some extent but it led to lots of chances missing and after few matches again, long shots become a problem . 2) I also tried to rotate between my strikers and they both missing fine opportunities, or atleast opportunities that the opposition might score against us if it were the opposite. The opposition GK tend to make insane saves and get high ratings, it cause me losing 8 matches in a raw, while 5 games in a raw the opposition GK gets high ratings at approximately 7.5-8, this lead to frustration and makes me want to quit due to opposition having only 4 shots 3 of them are longs shots and 1 goal. it feels like my team needs to work their *** up in order to get 1 goal (even against Bury - Sky bet league 1) but the opposition does it very effectively having 1 chance or 1 long shots quite often. I understand its impossible to avoid conceding with my team against premiere league side, but I want to understand why I'm not able to score, is it a problem with my tactic or maybe a player stats? those are also the strikers I'm using adding Druissi and Lozano I posted on my previous post. Any help would be much appreciated.
  10. Hi, After a few year serving for the military I arrived back home and able to play the game I purchased a few years ago but never had the time to play. I've read some guides to refresh my mind (hopefully). I like challenges so I chose playing with Hull city. Bear in mind this is going to be long, I tried to provide some context & depth, if more info is required to analyze please let me know. I've created a tactic based on what I've read so far (in this forums, sticky threads and others): I will try to explain the reasoning and why I chose this mentality/instructions/roles and duties, I hope it make sense. Mentality: When we have the ball I don't want to over commit and give away possession too easily + we aren't the strongest team in the league so I assume playing cautiously would make sense?! Instructions: Defensive line - I don't want my defensive line dropping too deep, so I decided to push it slightly higher. Passing - on the start of the save I've started with mixed and then changed to short, during pre-season I've noticed the back 4 players were trying risky passes and that's the reason for the "shorter passing" Play out of Defence: this vary between opponent, I tend to remove play out of defense if we are playing against high pressing teams. Prevent short GK distribution - I don't want to see the opponent passing the ball at the back. Use the offside trap - in one of my pre-season games one of my players decide to become a tourist and stay on the back. Roles & duties: FB-su - for defense stability CD-d CD-d WB-su - adding width DM-de - sitter to protect the defence W-su - to provide width CM-a - a runner CM-su - I thought that maybe changing it to DLP or an AP-s would be a fine idea? WM-A - runner to add penetration DF-Su/DLF-su - dropping deep to hopefully not get isolated Hull city already had some decent/not bad players in my humble opinion: I've made some signings to build the squad, I could barely find an interesting players (& players who are interested to join hull) to start building a club DNA. No quality FB want to join our team and we don't have a quality right FB in our squad so an interesting find I manage to get is Brazilian CM player I thought of re-train him as a complete wing back with a hope that he will do the job. I've sold 3 players that weren't good enough for premiere league sides and managed to convince major players to join our team, such as Hirving Lozano, Thiago Maia, Sebastián Driussi, Cristian Pavón. but I'm not sure if that's good enough for the premiere league side. A huge issue is we are a completely new team, and probably it will take time for them to blend. from the beginning of the save I've set the training to: We managed to gain some fluidity very fast, and seems like they slowly getting blend together: So far we've played 3 matches, 1st match was against Arsenal, they won 3-1 conveniently. 2nd match was against Bournemouth, we won 1-0. Tbf it was so close to end up 1-1 and their player was sent off at 45 minute of the game. Their number 9 was missing 2 shots that should have been scored. I couldn't tell why my players were making poor long shots decisions. In order to reduce the terrible long shots decision I thought maybe we need to change the movement, so I changed the WB-Su to WB-a and the WMa to WMSu &the MCL (CMSu) to DLP but it didn't helped much. In pre-season we did encounter some matches with the same problem, but I'm still not sure what need to be done and change (in-case its not the roles & duties)? Our 3rd match was against Sunderland we won but again it was such a poor performance, it was pure luck I increased the mentality to control and reduce the defensive line to normal and remove the Play out of defense and we somehow manage to steal an own goal with luck. This are the matches I've played so far, the result are great and beyond my expectation, but I feel there are tactical issues that needs to be addressed on the attack side. since I was having the exact same problems in my friendlies matches in pre season (long shots), I assume there's a problem either with my mentality approach or tactics that needs to be tweaked? I thought of sharing here and hopefully someone might be able to help or advice?
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