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  1. Something must be done about loan managers, why cant i select that i do not want to accept any loan offer with a buy clause? Bought a player for 1m transfer fee with clauses up to 650k and 20% of profit of next sale. I put him on developement list and the loan manager accepts an loan offer with a optional fee of 400k with 350k in 2 installments. 2 weeks after signing him he is sold with a loss of 250k???
  2. You just got to love when a 166cm guy with 4 jumping reach and 9 heading out jumps a 188cm cb with 15 jumping reach and 15 heading on the back post.
  3. You could load up another league that you can start in january 2024. Then pick a mls team to manage. Argentina, iceland, norway, sweden, brazil and more start just after new years in 2024.
  4. In my saves ive seen teams like KA or Þór both from akureyri which is a 5 hour drive from Reykjavík. Move to reykjavik and play there, there is a another stadium in akureyri that could be used, Dalvík, Húsavík, Sauðárkrókur are also closer and make much more sense. Not mention they wouldnt both build a stadium at the same time. Þór is building a 13k stadium. Ka is looking for a site to build a 12k stadium, and have moved out of their stadium. Overall teams are building larger stadiums then they would ever need. Or moving out of their stadiums to another town.
  5. Im having a little problem with editing Icelandic rules. For some reason the rules are incorrect in the default database. Rules that require teams to have 8 hg/team players in their squad and number restriction that are only editable by converting to advanced rules. So i want to start in the season that is starting this april irl but when i start a new game with my edited rules the teams for this season is last seasons teams. That does not happen when i start with the default database. Is there anyone know what might cause this?
  6. Bayer Leverkusen first team and u19 use BayArena as a training ground, but the youth facilities is kurtekotten Performance Centre | Bayer 04 Leverkusen
  7. still under review? still in the game 3 months later....
  8. Ive seen it on some off my staff through the years in my season. Edit: i checked him in a newly started save, he has gone up from 15 to 17 in technical and 1 in motivating, jpp and tactical knowledge.
  9. Actually there can only be 3 non eu players on the match day squad. 22. gr. Erlendir leikmenn 22.1. Erlendur ríkisborgari telst hlutgengur hafi hann keppnisleyfi útgefið af skrifstofu KSÍ. Ekki geta fleiri en þrír erlendir leikmenn frá öðrum löndum en Evrópska efnahagssvæðinu, Færeyjum og Grænlandi verið skráðir á leikskýrslu í 1. aldursflokki í hvert sinn í leik á vegum KSÍ. Leikmaður með breskt ríkisfang (England, NorðurÍrland, Skotland og Wales) sem fengið hefur útgefið keppnisleyfi hjá aðildarfélagi KSÍ fyrir 1. janúar 2021 (Brexit) telst ekki á meðal þeirra þriggja erlendu leikmanna frá öðrum löndum en Evrópska efnahagssvæðinu, Færeyjum og Grænlandi sem geta verið á leikskýrslu í 1. aldursflokki. Roughly in english it says: only 3 players from non-eu countries (greenland and faroe island are exempt) can be in match day squad. Players with british passport that were registered in iceland before 1 january 2021 are exempt from this rule. But there are no restriction on numbers or squad size. Players can use 1-99. outfield player can use 22.
  10. So i just played vs Liverpool and lost 2-1. These are the ratings of my players. I dont understand why my cbs got so low rating? Both of them lost 1 aerial duel with 1 key header each. My rb apparently lost all his aerial duels... but gets a credit for winning 1 key header? checked the highlight and he did win the header. Do attacking aerial duels have that much influence on player ratings? Also in player statistics it shows the same amount of headers if you select attacking or defending.
  11. And why doesnt his 4 star set piece coach adjust how the team sets up for set pieces? What is the purpose of adding the role... when it doesnt matter how good of coach you hire is in setting the team up? 4 stars should surely be one of the best in the league. Im in my 8th season have had a 1 star set piece coach and 4,5 star set piece coach. They all have set the team up the same, based of the set piece wizard at the start of the game. That screenshot is taken from a last 16 game (ai vs ai) in the world cup. The 3 unmarked guys passed the ball between them before scoring.
  12. Yeah i dont understand why this hasnt been addresed. Ive tried to create many assingments with 1 silver stars and 2,5 stars potential but its like the scouts dont even go to matches, like if you create assingment for japan and the scout is consulting the staff for weeks to find suitable players and he doesnt find any player. Then i go to the player search and find multible players in the japanese league that are 3+ stars potential. Seems to me that when scouting assingments are created it adds players and it will not discover new players.
  13. It seems to happen to me when the player isnt very interested in joining the club.
  14. One thing i have noticed is that the player status bar while playing a game. You have to change player role multible times for it to switch. If the other team changes tactic and player position it doesnt update correctly f.i want to have my wing back man mark a winger, just played a game where the other team swithced from 4-1-2-2-1 to 4-2-4, the rw went to the lw and lw went to striker. It showed the old positions in the player status bar. So my rwb was man marking a striker and my lwb was man marking the lw.
  15. I get that gks didnt get injured often enough during a match but in the last 22 matches my gks have fractured their lower arm while catching a routine cross 3 times.
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