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Posts posted by Creazymanager

  1. 11 ore fa, Rodrigogc ha scritto:

    Could you post the link here ? I'm interested to know what it's about. 



    I think you have to be registered on the forum to see


    it is very well designed, it tells you all the settings of the responsibilities and foresees all the various managerial situations in which you, the coach, can intervene directly, or you can intervene only by delegating to the sporting director or you cannot intervene in any way

  2. why isn't a realistic trainer mode developed?

    a mode where you realistically interpret the role of the real coach, where you have full control of the tactical and training part while for the transfer market you can interact with the club and the sporting director, make your requests and everything that coaches do today modern but then you have to work with what the company can make available to you.

    I know it can be done through responsibility management, but it's an adaptation that the game doesn't recognize in many mechanisms.

    there is an Italian expert (fm theory) who has published his Coach Mode, with all the settings and the rules on what can and cannot be done, it's very fun, but it would be even more so if it were an original mode of the game

  3. Il 28/11/2023 in 12:46 , Rashidi ha scritto:

    La fluidità della squadra viene in gran parte utilizzata solo dall'IA per impostare formazioni rispetto agli attributi dei manager dell'IA. Non ha alcun valore significativo per le tattiche create dall'uomo e serve solo a illustrare l'equilibrio tra i compiti di attacco, difesa e supporto. Niente di tutto ciò@cmonreds detto non è più rilevante. L'ultima volta che la fluidità ha avuto un ruolo è stato agli albori del creatore tattico, quando era utile spiegare come l'equilibrio dei compiti avrebbe influenzato le transizioni. Una risposta ufficiale da SI è stata data più volte sulla fluidità nei forum che supportano ciò che dico, e questi possono essere scoperti utilizzando gli strumenti di ricerca del forum. Non influisce sul funzionamento dei tratti, ecc., sono puramente congetture.


    we always talk about fluidity in reference to the ball possession phase, but I wonder if it also affects the non-possession phase, for example with more fluidity is it more likely that a player will cover the position of his teammate who is out of position?

    considering then that all team and player instructions related to fluidity are found in the ball possession department

    More discipline - creativity (team possession)
    Hold position - freedom of movement (when team has the ball)

  4. Il 7/12/2023 in 04:04 , bahmet ha scritto:

    Questo è un bug dell'interfaccia.

    it's not a bug, creativity/discipline raises or lowers fluidity.

    if you have 100% familiarity in Fluid level, and you lower it to flexible level the familiarity drops

    However, if you then activate the "more creativity" instruction you bring fluency back to a fluid level, and therefore familiarity returns to 100%

  5. we are in a very attacking mentality in all 3 images.

    as you can see, we have the 3 options that should increase the width, but moving the cursor the text description always remains the same: "wide"

    what does it mean ?

    is there a graphic error in the text description?

    or is the game telling us that it is useless to move the cursor because the setting always remains unchanged?
    if so, setting the very offensive mentality, shouldn't the setting freeze and turn red? instead of being moved unnecessarily?

    I don't understand this dynamic

    wide 1.png

    wide 2.png

    wide 3.png

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