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Everything posted by Ngarra

  1. I have a facepack and logo pack but other people witht he same packs don't have an issue so Im just a little puzzled.
  2. All good you decline most player interaction the just get amd and what to leave so just have to put up with it.
  3. 2 years but in my other save from the beta with Hull I had no issue
  4. Yes I just tried EVer since the beta ended i have had the problem
  5. Is there any fix for this Every save I do there is no option for player interaction at all. If a playert comes to me with an issue I have to decline or i get stuck since i casnnot repsond to the player and it becomes a must respond inbox item. Any Help would be great
  6. I have this exact same issue and it has ruined 2 saves!!!! If yoiu dont decline immediatly and try to chat toi the player no conversation options appear and leaves you stuck as you cannot progress due to it being a must attend to item.
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