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Everything posted by Scotty619

  1. Just to update my earlier post, was able to get 3 other people in the save today, same settings and connections as Friday when we couldn't get on, don't know if this helps or not
  2. I also had this issue the last two Football manager console games, there has to be a fix you can put out for this, there's too many people affected by it, I've noticed that unlike in previous years, the host can see that the number of users on the server is going up but the people trying to join aren't getting in the server, I don't know if that helps or not, we're all on wired connections with open nat types just like we were in previous years, we've all tried re installing, resetting routers, clearing our caches, and nothing has worked, I've noticed that it only seems to happen on a weekend, Friday in particular is a bad day for it. Please try and fix this issue
  3. Nope, seems as though its a "ahh well hopefully it'll work in FM24" situation. Very annoying.
  4. This is something i have reported before, i don't know if it was fixed in a previous update but i'm afraid this bug is back. On FM21, a season or two into an online save with my friends, there isn't anything in particular that appears to cause it, it happens at random times, sometimes ( well actually most of the time) though it's happening mid match, and when they get back into the save they aren't able to make changes and often causes them to lose the game. The only consistent thing with this bug, is that, the further into the save you get, the more regularly you get kicked out the save, sometimes it's almost every ten or fifteen minutes. It ruined 3 different saves on FM21, It ruined one on FM22, and now on FM23 it's ruining another. At the moment, we either can't get more than one extra player into the save, or when we do, one of them or both of them are getting regularly kicked from the game. This obviously is a huge problem that has stopped us playing, and it's been happening across numerous versions of the game. I don't know if i'm the only person that ever has this issue but I can't imagine that I am, We've all tried re installing the game, changing from a wired to a wireless connection, even starting new saves and using different people to host a game. I don't know if it's too late into the FM23 cycle to make a fix for this, but please please fix this for FM24 for console otherwise it's pointless for me and my friends to buy.
  5. This started happening to me again on Saturday, still can't get more than one person in the save today, Tried re-downloading the game, tried wired and wireless connections, tried resetting the router, hard resetting the console, tried changing the accessibility to the save, tried changing passwords to the save, nothing is working for this at the moment. Is there any updates on the investigation in to this issue?
  6. I'm now having the same issue, all of us on a wired connection, all of us with open Nat type, only one person can join, just ruins the save, it was a constant issue on FM22 aswell, this game isn't going to keep going on console if issues like this are left so long without a fix, it's been an issue for ages!
  7. Hi guys, please can we add the option that is currently available in single player for no work permits, into the online career. Me and my friends love playing lower english leagues and would love to be able to turn off the work permits. Thank you
  8. Hi, wasn't sure what thread to put this question in, and couldn't find it anywhere online, but is there anyway on the console version, in an online career, to disable work permits like you can in single player? if not is there any way it could be added in future? thank you in advance for any tips
  9. Any updates on this or my other post?
  10. So, I feel like this is an issue that's carried over from FM22, I can't explain what triggers it because it seems to happen purely at random, but the further i get into an online career with friends, the more frequently the get kicked, they can get kicked mid game, they can get kicked whilst waiting for people to continue, they can get kicked whilst searching for a player, but the consistent theme is, the further into a career you get, the more frequently they get kicked, it starts off on an every now and then basis, but once you get 2 or 3 seasons in, it's almost every 15/20 mins to the point it becomes unplayable. I've had several saves on FM22 and now on my serie a save ( just into the 3rd season ) it is literally a guarantee that everytime we go on, someone is gunna get kicked whilst in a game, and also probably going to get kicked when not in a game, we've tried doing hard console resets, router resets, re downloads of the game, and it still happens. It's happened to me when i'm not the host, and it happens to people when I am the host, I have the newest xbox, but the other people when i'm hosting have either a series s or the oldest original xbox, we don't have more than 5 leagues active, all of us have open nat types, 2 of the 4 of us are on a wired connection and 2 are on a wireless connection, but i've been kicked whilst having a wired connection, and the people without a wired connection have been kicked. Sometimes when kicked, they can't get back into the game at all despite doing hard resets and router restarts. I wish i could provide more info like a potential trigger, but because it's so random it's difficult. But unfortunately until there's some type of update or fix into this i'm now unable to play with my friends because it just isn't worth starting a save together knowing that after a season or two it becomes unplayable.
  11. I can not click on my corner taker to change where he aims to cross the ball at corners since the update, I can click any other player and change their instructions but not the corner taker, im on xbox series x
  12. Ahh ok, Thanks for letting me know. Any chance you could make it an option? like when you press x on your tactics screen and it toggles between fitness morale etc?
  13. I'm playing my second season in charge of blackburn rovers on xbox series x ( finished 2nd in the championship in the first season so I'm now in the premier league) , and I can't get work permits for players already playing in England, For example, I've tried to sign Anel Ahmedhodžić from Sheffield United but can't get a work permit even when it says making offer with a guaranteed fee of £15m or above should be enough pending the contract discussions. I then give him more than he is currently on at Sheffield United and i still don't get a work permit, I've tried this with several other players that played in the premier league last season and am having the same issue. Any help would be appreciated, I'm reluctant to buy the no work permits thing from the store when I'm doing what it appears the game is telling me to do to have the work permit approved.
  14. On the last 2 console games, players on the bench would have their position listed under their names, I cant get that to show on this version and I now have to check a players profile mid match to check what positions they can play before I make a substitution which can sometimes cause my game to lag out, was removing the position description intentional or is this a bug? If intentional please bring it back, a needless change that doesn't really add anything and only makes it a little more complicated than it needs to be. ( I'm playing on Xbox series x on a wired connection with an open NAT type for what it's worth) Thanks in advance for any help.
  15. On the last 2 console games, players on the bench would have their position listed under their names, I cant get that to show on this version and I now have to check a players profile mid match to check what positions they can play before I make a substitution which can sometimes cause my game to lag out, was removing the position description intentional or is this a bug? If intentional please bring it back, a needless change that doesn't really add anything and only makes it a little more complicated than it needs to be. ( I'm playing on Xbox series x on a wired connection with an open NAT type for what it's worth) Thanks in advance for any help.
  16. Hi, my Nat type is open after a test, an update from my original post : I was able to get a friend into a game on Friday night and it worked fine until today, my friend was kicked doing his tactics, and although I can invite him to the save, and the save is showing for him in the list of online servers, when he enters the password it just says joining online save and then doesn't put him in.
  17. I can't invite any of my friends to join my online career, I've only once managed to get one friend into a game which lasted less than 15 mins as he was kicked and unable to get back in since, when they were in the game, the staff and recruitment tabs were greyed out and couldn't be clicked on. I am trying to host from a series X and the 2 xboxes that are trying to connect are original xbox ones ( i have specifically ensured to only have 5 leagues selected because i know that if you have more than 5 then it can't run on old xboxes) We are all in an xbox party together so there are no connection issues, we are all on a wired connection to a fibre broadband with 100mbps or above. The 5 leagues selected are England, France, Spain, Germany, Italy and it's division 2 and above The one time i was able to get a friend into a game, he couldn't click on either the recruitment tab or the staff tab, they were both greyed out. Because the recruitment section was unavailable for him, when he got the first recruitment email, when he tried to click on the recruitment centre link in the email, he was kicked from the save and hasn't been able to re join since, I have tried starting new online careers, i've tried only having one league setup and it just says "joining online game" for about 12 seconds before that goes off the screen and he hasn't joined.
  18. I'm having similar issues on the series X, I can't invite any of my friends to join my online career, I've only once managed to get one friend into a game, when they were in the game, the staff and recruitment tabs were greyed out and couldn't be clicked on. on FM22, on online career, when you get a few seasons into the game, you can't seemingly play a game without someone being kicked from the save mid-match. I am trying to host from a series X and the 2 xboxes that are trying to connect are original xbox ones ( i have specifically ensured to only have 5 leagues selected because i know that if you have more than 5 then it can't run on old xboxs) We are all in an xbox party together so there are no connection issues, we are all on a wired connection to a fibre broadband with 100mbps or above. The 5 leagues selected are England, France, Spain, Germany, Italy. The one time i was able to get a friend into a game, because the recruitment section was unavailable for him, when he got the first recruitment email, when he tried to click on the recruitment centre link in the email, he was kicked from the save and hasn't been able to re join since, I have tried starting new online careers, i've tried only having one league setup and it just says "joining online game" for about 12 seconds before that goes off the screen and he hasn't joined. It really does seem like nobody has bothered to test the console version and it's so very disappointing. I remember when 22 came out on the console and for the first 3 or 4 weeks, whilst you could have your friends in an online career, if you didn't all press continue at the same time it would crash =/
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