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Everything posted by playerone

  1. Thanks, I’ve found this screen now. Does this only apply to new saves? (As it says starting configuration). When I toggle it it doesn’t apply to my existing save unfortunately
  2. Hi Marc, do you have any updates on this? Currently in 2025 on my save but having mostly regen faces now is putting me off continuing 😔
  3. Hello 👋 loving the game this year, especially the live draws for the UCL. Last year the option to remove regen player faces was added in an update - are you able to add this in again please? I know some players like them but for me personally it does ruin the immersion a little bit and I much prefer the blank silhouettes. It might be partially an OCD thing but it can stop me playing more than a couple of seasons because I find it so distracting sorry! Thanks!
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