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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  • Currently Managing
    Man Utd
  1. I would check if you are getting hit with a transfer expenditure every month. Seems to be a bug. My save with Man Utd went over 100 million in the red in less than a season. That's after I sold Ronaldo and AWB and only bought 4 youth prospects. 3 of them was under a million and the 4th was 11 million. Still got hit with a 30-40 million transfer expenditure every month.
  2. I had the same problem with Man Utd. It continued billing me every month with transfer expenditures. I never had a month were I wasn't in the red. It eventually drove me to a negative balance of over 100 million. It wasn't until June when I got sponsorship money that I eventually got in the positive again. Hopefully this gets fixed soon.
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