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The Flying Scotsman

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21 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"


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  1. @GDNimrod this is awesome, do you have it available to download?
  2. Has anyone made a database for this in FM24?
  3. Today we have José Mourinho rebuild Fenerbahçe S.K. and try and take them back to the top of Turkish football. The Special One has won countless trophies around Europe with Porto, Chelsea, Inter Milan, Real Madrid, Manchester United and Roma. Are Fenerbahçe S.K. next on the list for honours?
  4. Best BARGAIN Goalkeepers to Sign in FM24 https://youtu.be/T6Iklg5DNdc
  5. Today I have 6 bargain goalkeepers in 180 seconds!! Best BARGAIN Goalkeepers to Sign in FM24 Players on the list: Rodak Asenjo Nwusu Soriano Drommel Andrew I’ll be updating this post later with screenshots as well.
  6. This is what keeps happening and no clue why :/ its never happened before.
  7. Still doing it despite a restart and uninstalling. This is so bizarre.
  8. Its never done this before and I havent changed anything. I am wanting to load in one of my own tactics as well.
  9. Anytime I try and load a tactic my game freezes now and the only thing I can do is force close it. Has anyone else had this issue and know how to resolve this?
  10. Thanks so much. I have another few videos like this coming out but will be leaving my video link but also screenshots of the players I talk about.
  11. Today I made a video about my 5 Bargain Striker signings. On the list are Muriel, Azon, Weiper, Cristico, Mota, Mierez.
  12. I have recreated Capello’s Roma tactic that won their last Serie A title http://Capello's Roma 2000-2001 TITLE WINNING TACTIC - FM24 https://youtu.be/fAN_caEjkn4
  13. Today I have recreated Conte's 3-4-3 from when he was at Chelsea.
  14. With the winter update we have taken a look at the Premier League budgets this time around
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