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5 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"


  • Biography
    From "Guy Roux Manager 2000" to "Football Manager" including Championship Manager. With a first love with "Anstoss 2".

About Me

  • About Me
    Angers (France)


  • Interests
    Football Manager, Tennis, Create and tell stories

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  • Favourite Team
    Angers SCO

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    I'm changing every opus

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  1. N'arrivant pas à me connecter sur le forum externe français, je réponds ici. Pour ce type de tournoi, l'idéal est de passer par les règlements avancées de sélectionner les clubs à la main. Comme pour le mondial des clubs. Le jeu choisira au hasard ensuite les confrontations.
  2. Thanks for your tips. Great work. I want to create lots of player but a don't completely understand. The images don't appears. Can you please re-upload-it?
  3. Congrats @Frednerd It's a really good job. I have a similar project since few month. But in Ocenia ;-) How do you generate the faces?
  4. Hello. How do you hard coded this? Thanks for your anwser Cleria. Yes, you made a great work for the community. Many Thanks.
  5. Hello @cleiria, i just discover your topic. Do you know why if i add a new currency, the name can't be set? The change is not saved. I use my own comp editor i customized, i change in the "db record lists.xml" file the line <boolean id="allow_add" value="false" /> in "true". Did i forget something else? Thanks for your answer.
  6. Hello ! Tu dois extraire le fichier dans un dossier de ton ordinateur, par exemple les documents puis ensuite, tu auras accès aux fichiers de skin.
  7. Hello, I created new international competition for all the continent + a new world cup. It works well. I test until year 2101 !! But, i keep the original competition. Now, i want to have only my comp and not the other. I check the box disappeared in the competition but the world cup is always here ou i have a database crash. How can i fix it please? Thanks. QJ (sorry for my bad english)
  8. I want to change the design of the map. Is it possible? Is it hardcoding or it's possible to use the Ressources Archiver to do this? I hope it's better understanding.
  9. Hello ! I want to customize the maps we can see on the scouting profil page (screenshot below). How can i do it? Thanks.
  10. C'est très simple de changer les dirigeants dans l'éditeur. Tu créé ton Président, met les caractéristiques que tu veux et tu lui assigne le club que tu veux. La seule utilité de créer un Président, c'est de le rendre cheater et le mettre en sugar daddy et le rendre supzr parient pour éviter de te virer. Mais bon, ça enlève le charme de FM je trouve.
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