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Everything posted by JamesEE

  1. ran this myself a few times with united and came nowhere near these results, and what is MC31 setup? i only see mc40
  2. Thought I'd quickly try this out with MC40 corners with city themselvs and lost 7-2 against Arsenal 1st game, im sure SI just make my game unplayable
  3. Not surprising, its basically the same game with some new features. DM/VOL sucks a** too. Bring back CM tactics being viable!
  4. I thinks it's just going to be the same as last year with a lighting update, one new role and a set piece coach
  5. Not bashing the tactic, its clearly good, used your corners that you posted. but all them goals with a cb the top scorer the same cb as I have myself. couldnt do transfers with barca's 0 budget and minus bank balance unfortunately
  6. My Results with this tactic. out of Holiday test, Instant Result and playing evry game with and without OI, Holiday was the best result. No idea how you got these results but fair play, just gives false hope if anything
  7. Using BJT Ball 2.0. improved the team slightly with foyth, neves and abraham and managed 101 points and a UEL win with a V. poor United on this years FM. Threw the other 2 cups playing youth. overall it plays fantastic and provides results. Also re done all the set pieces for this M.E just to take advantage.
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