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Everything posted by Cruxis

  1. Just to let you know that I just updated and can continue through now - problem solved for me! Thank you!
  2. Amazing, thank you for the response and your hard work!
  3. Will the update be compatible with current save games that are having issues? I.e. mine has the issue where I can't continue past a certain date because it crashes on Updating Player Career Stats. Will I need to start a new save or will it fix that too?
  4. Firstly want to say that I LOVE the developmental hub. Such a huge forward step! One thing I would love (perhaps for next version) is for the On Loan players in your squad, where they are given Loan Ratings (A,B,C,D,E) etc - it would be amazing to tap those ratings and find out exactly why they are being given - I mean, some are obvious like having a low score and not being played or not having good form etc. But it would be great to find out at a glance without having to go through each player. Even a pop up which says like "Player is currently rated B for their loan to <insert club here>. They are currently in good form having scored x in y games" or something like that.
  5. Is there an update on when a fix will be available or a workaround?
  6. Hi @Jake Mant, Whilst we await an update, is there any workaround which can get us moving forward in our careers at all? I've tried several of the usual suspects like trying to simulate using a holiday to get to the next day but it's just stuck and crashes everytime - same as everyone else. For reference I raised an issue also using the in app bug reporter under reference 572017 and attached the save file using the in game method. Absolutely desperate to carry on and play as I finally found a tactic that worked for me (halllujah!). Thanks
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