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64 "Houston, we have a problem"

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  1. Lot of crazies here he is a user using the game without breaking anything posting a video of whatever he want without saying anything is “broken” but just posting the data not only he include all the excel and the saved files for you to test the same way he did! And because of that you all guy say he did something wrong what is wrong with you all? I rather he gave the data to me as he did posting it “available to all for download” so I can make my own opinion and conclusion rather than work for free for SI if SI really need these type of data (and I hope they do tons of those test without expecting player to do them for them) hire someone extra don’t expect it for free from players Again you are all crazy if you think he did something wrong
  2. That controlled group work for a controlled group and only prove that in absolute if all is even there are tactics that allow more goal obviously in real scenarios stuff are different and mechanics join up in different way that may swing the example and even give opposite result of a controlled balanced environment that is a fact and he proved it. It does remove a lot of complexity and barebone the mechanics to abstract basic ideas but it’s still valuable data even if is not how the game usually works because the game is much more complex with many more variable at play so not everybody that play gegenpress feel is op but a large majority feel it makes they game easier and that honestly reflect in his simplified test because is true with the wrong team and wrong player gegenpress still can lose a lot but in general it won’t because of things are somewhat balanced and that how usually player tend to play trying they best to have the best team player gegenpress will give them an extra advantage if they know what they are doing
  3. I agree you can make other tactic as successful as gegenpress but not plug and play. Not without modifying them and retouching them the advantage of gegenpress is that is stronger than other unless you heavily tweak the other so for average player that don’t mess with tactic gegenpress is the only one out of the box extremely effective if you deny it you probably never played tactics without heavily modifying them and that’s probably the case for a lot of pro-player but for novice is definitely OP and the drawbacks are too minimal
  4. He actually want si to force everybody to do just one way that works for him is selfish and moronic limiting stuff just to please one player that feels the game should only cater him how about give yourself a rule don’t buy player that cost 0 unless your team is extremely struggling with money is it to hard to invent something like that? That would fix your main post in 1 second and a you don’t have to wait si fix it
  5. You should do what you want to do without whining making your game fun or is too hard to understand? Do you need us to feed spoon you exactly what to do how old are you 5?
  6. not only all player available but obviously all stats visible 90% of the difficulty gone yeah the game is easy for cheater the game let you do it if you want to have a "Easier" experience because the game is a sandbox but you use all the easy option and then call it easy what kind of moronic attitude is that.
  7. it's like in MMO the DPS build does more damage but should be weaker Gegenpress should break players much more but when players break often people whine instead of changing tactics and insist that the game is broken because of too many injuries instead of understanding that Gegenpress is supposed to break people as it gives an advantage in scoring but honestly, people on here is really the worst user of logic I have ever seen they call "easy" a game with no difficulty (you make your own difficulty) they call gegenpress op but refuse any backlash of the tactic and whine when the player break because they use gegenpress i all matches non stop there is no point in any of these post
  8. You get to the point where is not realistic because you make unrealistic choice buying the best players hunt down them by stats picking the most unrealistic exhausting tactic to win easy and so on. It’s as unrealistic as you make it to be
  9. We don’t know why you keep asking and don’t understand that you can make it extremely challenging if you want to
  10. No, we use the brain if you can do that you don't need to set corners to horribly. maybe try to use the brain instead of asking stupid questions and find a way to have realistic gameplay by yourself! That would be the real victory perhaps.
  11. The challenge is as much as you want to be if you like to win easy you can win easy if you like to challenge yourself you can is up to you not to the devs in this game to place some rule to make it hard you can even force yourself to limit the transfer to 5 per season or to never sell player to more than their value you can do whatever you want never use gegenpress or high pressure tactics you can use the rule to never play friendly or to never search for player only use scout suggestion you can find skins that hide all the player stats you can make it very hard if you want what is so hard for people to understand you make it easy or you make it hard SI doesn’t force any of it to you they give you a sandbox and you can mold it to your liking only morons say is too easy
  12. if you knew how to play for fun you would figure out which part you have to avoid why ask us? Are you that ignorant and clueless about what makes your game fun? I see why you want devs to spoonfeed you every step of the way.
  13. why do you feel the need to lie? the post would have worked even without those few starting words... if you want a difficult game force yourself to play in a way that is hard or don't honestly I think it will sell more anyway, especially with FM25 using UNITY it will sell like never before so good riddance.
  14. it would make a difference if you were here to enjoy you would know why it's weird you don't understand from the post you can read in this thread many many understand so maybe grow up and try to "care" to play it for fun and not to break it. it's not cool stuff that you don't care if you ruin your own fun is just moronic in my eyes.
  15. That mentality is what ruined the online games because people HAVE to do what is "best" Even if ruins the game to stay competitive you have to or you are left out of the "end game" (op-built, cheating, must-have stuff must-do stuff and so on...) I can see it being a problem if you play FM24 online with friends and YOU DO IT. You will ruin the experience of all other players and yes if this was an online game FM24 should absolutely fix it. Because one jerk starts doing it everybody has to do it. that's the bane of the online gaming community one jerk can ruin the game for millions of people so the software house HAS TO fix those types of things right away. This is where it shows you are not a good player in my opinion the fact you brought up this as a problem in a single-player game. In a single-player game, if something is broken JUST DON'T USE IT and try to have fun instead of trying in every way to break the game.
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