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36 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. CONTEXT In the recent years, there has been much discussion (and many memes) in the community about the quality of certain newgens, most prominently about the lack of fullbacks/wingbacks with adequate crossing attributes. Some numbers like the ones provided by Leo here showed that there appears to be some kind of issue about the newgen system: As the sample size provided there was rather low, I've decided to run my own experiments with a larger database and over a longer period of time. TEST SETUP My test setup started with only one league loaded, but most relevant players being added via the database settings. At the start of the game, there were 155691 players loaded. I've simulated the game until 2073, where the number of players dropped to 126608. I've then exported all stats (and ca/pa) of all U16 players for every 5 years, so for 2023, 2028, ..., 2073. Then, I've created a dashboard to visualize the results. RESULTS As this appears to be the most controversial topic, let's get started with wing/fullbacks ability to cross and dribble: This dashboard includes the stats of all D(RL) and WB(RL) players from the save games from 2023 as starting point and 2073 as end point. The first row shows different graphs mostly about the current ability of the players to put the rest of the data into perspective. As you can see in the graph in the middle, both CA and PA drop significantly in the first five years and only recover slightly over the years (51.4 in 2023, 41.4 in 2028 and 43.5 in 2073). The boxplot to the left and the histogram + kde on the right also highlight the difference. The newgens have a higher standard deviation and look more like a gaussian distribution, but the mean is also shifted to the left. Now, when we take a look into the second row, the graphs show the stats for the "Crossing" attribute, we notice immidiately when looking at the box plot and the histogram that again the mean drops significantly compared to the start of the game. Visually, it's already easy to tell that the difference is even more notable then when only looking at the CA. In the middle, I've also added a second line to the graph, that calculate the "Expected Crossing" mean. This basically assumes that CA and Crossing are directly related, so that for example a 10% in CA should lead to a 10% drop in the crossing attribute. However, as you can see, the mean of the crossing stat appears to be a flat line completely unrelated to the CA. @Kyle Brown was so kind a chatted with the QA team about that topic earlier, as you can see here: When looking at the gathered data, this response by the QA team seems very strange. We can clearly see that newgens are not only weaker than those from the start of the game, but also that their crossing ability is even lower than is to be expected given the available CA. Now, this gets even weirder when taking a look at the dribbling attribute: The CA distribution obviously stays the same, but in the second row, we can see the attribute distribution of the dribbling ability. While the mean also drops slightly, it drop is way smaller then would be expected given the drop in CA. Also, compared to the crossing attribute, it actually correlated with the available CA. I would highly urge the SI-Devs to take a deeper look into the system and check what's going on there. I've published the dashboard here including the data here: https://github.com/Svonn/FM-Svonnalytics-Attribute-Analysis And I've uploaded the 2023 and 2073 save games. I'll soon add some instructions and the required view to the repo so you can check wiht your own data. Best regards, Svonn
  2. @LeoFM Thanks <3 I've slighlty changed the visualization here to use a histogram, which makes it a bit easier to see how the distribution changes: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hvhF4ROrXaPJ3OdCi6S4piYGPw8g3WHkx8ar3w9C4Gg/edit?usp=sharing So my initial statement from above was correct despite my read comprehension mistake. While in 2030 there are more outlier talents, the overall distribution of CA is MUCH lower than at 2030. The average goes down from 55.7 to 41.4 and the standard deviation goes up from 16.8 to 21.2 (which is fine). If you add columns with the dribbling and crossing values of the players to your spreadsheet, I could probably calculate if the shift in the CA distribution correlates with the shift in attribute distribution. Provided what @Kyle Brown was told by QA, I would assume that those should correlate heavily and that the overall lower CA is the main culprit.
  3. @Kyle Brown Now, that data provided by @LeoFM looks like something that would absolutly match the statement by the QA team but also explains the lack of players with attributes in that range. This even has cascading effects - If the Newgens are generated with too low CAs (only for these Positions?), this will not only cause less players with "natural" attribute distributions above that threshold, but it might also lead to less playing time at senior level at age >18, so also players at senior level will have worse stats. I wonder if this effect might sort of "balance out" as soon as the real players are removed from the game, since the AI will be forced to play the newgens. I might start a test save to check that at some point. Actually, I've misread, at first I thought there were 18 at 2023, but it's the other way around. Can you say anything about the rough distribution of CA? Are there generally more high CA newgens later, or just more outliers?
  4. @LeoFM would you mind sharing those stats for 15-16 y/o players 2023 vs 2030? I don't think we can properly reason about the response from the QA team with the current age bracket. This would mean that at the beginning of the game (at 2023), there should be barely any U17 players with said attributes above some threshold like 10/11, as the rules about CA weighting of those attributes must also apply in those cases. Depending on that data, we could draw to conclusions to explain the numbers you've provided: 1. If you notice, that there are barely any 15-16 y/o players above that threshold, then we known that generating said talents is not the issue, but the attribute progress of those attributes. The provided save game is from a previous patch, is that correct? If Kyle refers to some changes in the latest patch, we'd need some new numbers to check if the development has improved. This should also be done not only for U21, but something like U23, as some testing by "Evidence Based FM" has shown that the development significantly slows down past 23. 2. If you notice, that there are in fact lots of 15-16 y/o with those attributes in the game, the response from the QA team would be very confusing, as the same should also apply to those players. In that case, as I highly doubt that QA team would intentionally provide false information about that issue, I would assume that something about the communication went wrong, and I would urge some QA / Devs to invest some time into properly comprehending what people are actually complaining about.
  5. I haven't encountered that issue again, might have just been some very rare issue in combination with some external factors.
  6. Yes, I have Logos, Background, Kits, Playerfaces and a Custom Skin. Also I alt-tab at the same time. Encountered it also only once in about 60 hours, so if nobody else is reporting something similar, probably not quite a high prio issue! :-)
  7. Ah, I'm not able to edit this post, so here's the missing URL to part 2:
  8. INTRO (There's a TL;DR at the end ;-)) Dear SI team, Thanks again for your hard work and dedication to yet another iteration of Football Manager! I've tried my best to contribute to this year's Beta by reporting issues that I haven't spotted in different threads. Now, however, I want to talk about THE major issue that has been raised in a few other threads already, as it is even more pronounced than in any previous iteration. The (lack of) difficulty of Football Manager 2024. I have identified two different aspects that I want to discuss and where I'll try to give constructive ideas on how I think these could be fixed. Realistically, I don't have as much insight into the codebase as you (the SI devs) have, but I want to share some ideas on how to fix the issues nonetheless. This thread will focus on the "Tactics" aspect of the issue. I've opened another thread to talk about the "Player Morale" aspect here: CONTEXT To test the lovely new features of this year's FM, I've started a new save game with Eintracht Frankfurt in the Bundesliga. In case you're not too familiar with the Bundesliga: Frankfurt was expected to be a contender for EL/ECL spots, maybe even a CL spot, but then Kolo Muani left at the very last minute and Frankfurt hasn't been able to replace him adequately. Realistically, achieving place 6-7 would be great, getting 3-5 would be overperforming and any finish 8-10 wouldn't be surprising. As I wanted to focus on progressing quickly to see how well the new features work, I've handed over almost all tasks over to my staff. I was only doing three things: Create a tactic at the start of the season, selecting players for the matchday and praising/criticising training and match performances. At the end of the season, I finished first in the Bundesliga, scored 92 goals (without getting a Kolo Muani replacement by the DoF) and also won the UECL. I did not lose a single game in 2024. PROBLEM It is a well-known fact that anyone other than Bayern winning the Bundesliga is almost to be considered a miracle. Achieving this in the very first season with a team like Eintracht Frankfurt without ever changing the tactics or doing anything out of the ordinary is completely immersion-breaking and kills any motivation to continue playing. Someone else reported a very similar issue here: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/football-manager-2024-early-access-bugs-tracker/match-engine-and-set-piece-creator/tactics/overachieving-in-fm24-3-promotions-in-a-row-r18198/ ROOT CAUSE #2 While the introduction of positional play and all the other changes to the game engine look and feel amazing, it seems that they've made some already overpowered roles and playstyles even stronger. In case you're not up to date with the FM23 "meta", someone recently posted this: https://twitter.com/nocontextfm1/status/1701219040574763042 Which is just the tip of the iceberg, but gives a good summary. In my save game, I used a fairly simple 4-2-2-2 with typical settings that worked well for me in FM23 (shorter passes, higher tempo, counter, counter-press, high press, etc). As you can see from the results, it works ridiculously well in the FM years. The positional play makes the AFs, AMs and VOLs change positions dynamically and the WBs get extremely high ratings, even my U19 talent Elias Baum (who is barely ready for league 2) got an average of 7.20. While using two VOLs and two WBs should be far too offensive, as only the two BPDs stay behind in attack, this doesn't really show in this year's FM, as both the VOLs and the WBs are ridiculously fast at returning to their positions when they lose the ball. But the most glaring issue (which has been prevalent for quite a few iterations) is how extremely high pressing tactics with harder tackling and counter-pressing can work over >90 minute games without any downtime. In reality, if you look at teams that rely on this type of pressing, they can usually only do it for less than 30 minutes per game, and even those 30 minutes are usually spread out over the course of the game. In between, they may still position themselves high up the pitch, but they won't be running at the opposition non-stop. In FM, using this tactic, you will usually have less than 3 players in red in the first 70 minutes, and if you use all 5 subs, not a single player will be seriously tired after 90 minutes. The AI teams that play much more defensive tactics usually have more players in the red after the same time. PROPOSED SOLUTION For the issues with overpowered roles in the game engine, it's difficult for me to offer a simple solution, as I simply don't have the necessary insight into the implementation. However, as mentioned above, I'd recommend looking into whether the highly mobile/aggressive roles such as WB and VOL should be able to retreat so quickly. Playing more defensive roles in at least one of the two slots should be more rewarding. I can look through my game files and find some examples with timestamps if you want to look into this. On the other hand, fixing the pressing issues should be easier. There's already an "Intensity" value in the game, and if it's maxed out, most players with average stamina should be completely exhausted after 45 minutes. Currently my forwards with 10-11 stamina can play 90 minutes using this tactic. I understand that this has implications for the AI coaches, as those with similar presets will have to dynamically adjust their tactics from time to time - but they're already capable of changing their tactics mid-game, so this shouldn't be a showstopper. TL;DR Certain settings and roles in Tactics work too well. Especially highly mobile and offensive roles like VOL and WB have no downside compared to more defensive options. 100% intensity tactics are better than others and players with low stamina (10-11) can still play 90 minutes in these tactics. Instead, players with low stamina should only be able to play a maximum of 45mins in these tactics, even expecting high stamina players to press for 60mins is unreasonable. Coaches should be required to switch to less intense tactics for periods of time throughout the game. Here's part 1: Thanks again for thousands of hours of fun <3 Best regards Svonn
  9. INTRO (There's a TL;DR at the end ;-)) Dear SI team, Thanks again for your hard work and dedication to yet another iteration of Football Manager! I've tried my best to contribute to this year's Beta by reporting issues that I haven't spotted in different threads. Now, however, I want to talk about THE major issue that has been raised in a few other threads already, as it is even more pronounced than in any previous iteration. The (lack of) difficulty of Football Manager 2024. I have identified two different aspects that I want to discuss and where I'll try to give constructive ideas on how I think these could be fixed. Realistically, I don't have as much insight into the codebase as you (the SI devs) have, but I want to share some ideas on how to fix the issues nonetheless. This thread will focus on the "Player Morale" aspect of the issue. I've opened another thread to talk about the "Tactics" aspect here: CONTEXT To test the lovely new features of this year's FM, I've started a new save game with Eintracht Frankfurt in the Bundesliga. In case you're not too familiar with the Bundesliga: Frankfurt was expected to be a contender for EL/ECL spots, maybe even a CL spot, but then Kolo Muani left at the very last minute and Frankfurt hasn't been able to replace him adequately. Realistically, achieving place 6-7 would be great, getting 3-5 would be overperforming and any finish 8-10 wouldn't be surprising. As I wanted to focus on progressing quickly to see how well the new features work, I've handed over almost all tasks over to my staff. I was only doing three things: Create a tactic at the start of the season, selecting players for the matchday and praising/criticising training and match performances. At the end of the season, I finished first in the Bundesliga, scored 92 goals (without getting a Kolo Muani replacement by the DoF) and also won the UECL. I did not lose a single game in 2024. PROBLEM It is a well-known fact that anyone other than Bayern winning the Bundesliga is almost to be considered a miracle. Achieving this in the very first season with a team like Eintracht Frankfurt without ever changing the tactics or doing anything out of the ordinary is completely immersion-breaking and kills any motivation to continue playing. Someone else reported a very similar issue here: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/football-manager-2024-early-access-bugs-tracker/match-engine-and-set-piece-creator/tactics/overachieving-in-fm24-3-promotions-in-a-row-r18198/ ROOT CAUSE #1 The player morale is a self-reinforcing loop (for human players). If players are praised or criticized according to a fixed set of rules (Praise >7.75 training / 7.5 match rating, criticize <6.4 training/rating), their morale will be high and this leads to great training performances. Better performances further boost their morale, leading to even better game performances and more boosts. This gives the player an unfair advantage over the AI and it doesn't really require any skill clicking on the correct button based on the value of one number. PROPOSED SOLUTION A quick fix would be removing this unfun busy-work of clicking buttons and linking the feedback to players to the stats of the coach. A coach with good attributes in People Management, Motivating and Level of Discipline should have a higher chance of giving the players appropriate feedback. This would remove the requirement to mass-click buttons, allow AI coachs to benefit from the same system, would give some coach types another set of unique strengths, and it would also make coach progression when starting on a lower level even better. TL;DR One reason the game is too easy is the self-reinforcing player morale loop when constantly praising and criticizing players based on a single number. Could be fixed by simplifying the system, as clicking 20x "Praise Training" unenjoyable busywork anyway. Instead, link it to attributes of the coachs and make it fair for AI and human coachs while also enabling certain coach types that are better at leading players. Here is part 2: Thanks again for thousands of hours of fun <3 Best regards Svonn
  10. Players are also missing from this view, is this also a known issue?
  11. In my game (attached to this thread) I've marked Lucas Alario "Unwanted" and set it to "Sell for any price". Instead, he was loaned out without any fee or salary contribution and without any clauses to some other club. While I had the setting at "Sell at market value" or half that value, I've constantly received offers from way better clubs in better leagues with at least part of the salary being paid and optional or obligatory transfer fees. For some reason, he decided to decline those, while accepting the last one. "Sell for any price" should be exactly that: Sell for any price. That does not include loaning out for free.
  12. Just finished an UECL game and the game got stuck on this screen. The wheel is spinning, but the game does not progress. It did not respond to "Close game" on the task bar immidately, but after pressing space/enter in game, the game closed, so it appears that the "Do you want to exit" prompt appeared in the background and was receiving the input. I was not able to reproduce the issue, as everything went as expected in the next attempt. Added the save game from just before the game nonetheless.
  13. My bad, wrong file name, the correct one should be "transferlist_bug.fm" instead of "unwanted_list_bug", forgot to rename the file before uploading.
  14. I'm afraid the player is already sold in the current save game, but I've probably only messed up the name when uploading - can you check if a file called "Svonn Tastisch – Eintracht Frankfurt.fm" exists?
  15. The player Kristijan Jakic is on the unwanted-list and is to be sold at market value. The responsibilites to manage all transfers is handed over to the staff: However, when receiving a transfer offer, I have to manually accept it, otherwise it fails: This should be handled by the statt member put in charge of transfers or by the DoF responsible for the unwanted list.
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