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  1. Hi! I know I'm refreshing this topic after many months, but I have a question. What happened to Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Montenegro, Kosovo? Are these now "empty" nations from which you can create something further? Are these nations simply "removed" because of an additional file that changes international competitions?
  2. Hi! I'm thinking about buying FM24, but I don't know whether to wait for the new version. So I have three questions for you! 1. New features of FM24 pre game editor (compared to FM23). 2. New features of FM24 in-game editor (compared to FM23). 3. Will it be possible to transfer saved games from FM23 directly to FM25, bypassing the version from FM24? ps I did not find answers to these questions using the "search" option. So maybe I'll start a new topic if I don't get an answer here ;). Greetings!!!
  3. If I want to postpone the start date, I select the Indonesian league and then delete it once the game is loaded. Greetings!
  4. Hi! As the topic. I have a problem and I'm looking for a relatively quick solution. I moved clubs from Catalonia, Aragon, the Basque Country and the Balearic Islands to Andorra. Advanced rules, everything is going well, verification successful. There is also a u18s league for all teams from the enlarged Andorra. Of course, cities and regions moved accordingly. It's just that now, for example, Girona has a U18s club in the Andorran system, but also a U19s team in the Spanish system... I know that I can save after all the changes, delete the national rules and make the national rules for Spain, but I would have to make the entire game, and it will be extremely time-consuming, because I would like the games to be as close to reality as possible. I can remove the Spanish u19s leagues in my save with Andorra (Catalonia), but then I will again lack depth in Spain itself. Review all clubs transferred to Andorra for the created junior teams and delete them, but again this is time-consuming. Does anyone know a way to do it quickly, painlessly and as reliably as possible? Katalonia_by_Dave.fmf
  5. Too bad, there will be no rules regarding registration in the cups, let them play however they want ;). Thanks! The topic can be closed.
  6. I need help! I checked other topics but didn't find an answer. I try different solutions and nothing. As for this error, it applies to national cups. If I remove all the cups, the test continues. However, I want to have the cups! I edited the Andorra league to create a Catalonia + Basque Country + Andorra league. I am attaching the file, but if anyone wants additional information about the file, I will let you know. Katalonia2_by_Dave.fmf
  7. @Sangue Blu I know it's an old file, but I have fm20 from Epic and there is no pre-editor there. I wanted to play Silesia some time ago, so I have a question for you. Can you put files like: Silesia structure, Polish structure without Silesia, Crimea in euro cups, Liechtenstein league, Swiss without Liechtenstein. Unfortunately, SI Games does not allow you to download add-ons from the workshop to your disk if the game is not purchased via Steam. I have fm23, but there I made different changes, and already finished changing the world. And of course I forgot about Silesia nation.
  8. Hello, It's working fine. The issue was, that I made general changes in one file. Then on this file I built two national_rules files with only few changes in database, but different in both file. It occurs that I need to merge files to get it work. But when i merged it, all the previous changes have duplicated. But I discovered that it doesn't matter in game. But overall changes doubled and so size of file grow as well.
  9. Hi! I created files with changes, e.g. I merged two Koreas and made a large country of Kamchatka from the North. I changed citizenships, cities, etc. and finally stripped all clubs from those regions of their league affiliations. Based on these changes, I created two files with advanced rules for the United Korea league and for Kamchatka. The files conflict with each other, because when loading both, the game remembers the changes that the clubs have been castrated from the league. I can merge both files, only then a lot of changed entries are duplicated. I have no experience here. Is it possible to simply delete duplicate entries? Does it matter in the final analysis that these duplicate entries exist? I can of course compare files, find recent entries, leave only those entries, save and merge without duplicates, but I'd prefer a faster solution. Greetings!
  10. Maybe language is problem? In Belarus is belarussian, so maybe Zenit want players that speaks belarussian, and in city of Petersburg younglings speak russian? I don't think it's possible, but who knows... I had a database in FM22 with a huge amount of changes, and in some new countries the newgens were kind of old nationality, even though I followed the same pattern everywhere. I won't be able to check your files right now because I'm currently creating a database with a couple of changes that I'm splitting into several different stages/sets of files. I will quote my plan, maybe someone will like it too 1. North Korea and South Korea will form one Korea under the flag of South Korea as United Korea. From part of Russia + Alaska I will create the country Kamchatka Republic. 2. I connect Qatar with Bahrain as Qatar. "Old" Bahrain will be converted into Kazakhstan. And I will change the old Kazakhstan into a country called the Republic of Karelia, and it will be more or less the north of Russia with Saint Petersburg. 3.1. I will combine Nepal with Bhutan and add a few provinces of India and China, and thus the state of Tibet will be created on the basis of Nepal. "Old" Bhutan will transform into a new state - the Ural Republic. 3.2. I'll just expand Mongolia with part of Russia and two provinces from China. 4. Most of the work. Under the banner of Palestine, I will create Judea and join Israel there. I will transform the "empty" land of Israel into the Land of the Balts (Grand Duchy of Lithuania) containing Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and the Kaliningrad region. From these three countries will arise: the Principality of Moscow, the Republic of the Caucasus and United Mordovia. 5. It's uncertain, because I was thinking of combining Yemen and Oman and separating Turkey into Asian Turkey and European Byzantium. But then the European part would be quite small. Then I thought to create Kurdistan from most of the eastern provinces of Turkey (and some Iranian and Iraqi ones). And so Russia will be left empty. So is Crimea, whose clubs I will join either the Caucasus or Ukraine. Cheers!
  11. You have changed both: all cities to Belarus, and all local regions to Belarus? And another one All clubs that once were playing in Russia, You must change those clubs: nation, based nation, cup nation.
  12. Hi It's much easier to do something else. If there are countries that you do not intend to manage in the future, you can edit a lot of things. For example: Change the nationality of all first North Korean nationals to South Koreans. Clear all North Korea leagues from clubs, edit these clubs to change to South Korean clubs. Change the affiliation of cities and regions. You can put ex-North Korean clubs into South Korean structures, just to give credence to a new country made of South Korea - named simply Korea. Now you have one nation to create any country in Asia. For example, Manchuria, Tibet, North India or something else entirely. Or, in this way, you can now repeat the process and move all the clubs, people, cities, regions, e.g. from Kazakhstan to former North Korea and thus you have a "free" nation in Europe! Under old-Kazachstan You can combine Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia under one banner (e.g. Grand Duchy of Lithuania) and you will have three new "free" countries. Looking at the example of Korea above, you can also separate Asian regions, cities, clubs, as well as people born in those regions of Russia and make the Asian part of Russia, e.g. Siberia. Or add the Asian part of Russia to, for example, Mongolia and call them the Golden Horde. It's time consuming and requires a lot of work, but interesting things come out of it. In Europe, it is easiest to create from Andorra, Luxembourg, San Marino, Malta, and the Faroe Islands. You can easily add all these nations to Spain, Germany, Italy, Italy again, Scotland and suddenly you have as many as 5 empty countries to develop!
  13. I have questions about my Custom League. I changed countries completely, especially in Europe and South America, but also in Central America and Asia. Now I want to create leagues for each of these countries, but they have a completely different structure than in the original base. Am I now forced to create all these leagues separately, BUT they all have to contain all changes in the database separately and thus each will "weight"? Is there a way that after making nation rules I will keep only the rules, and the file with changes in the database will later add teams to each of the newly created leagues. Nation Rules wants to set the same for each country. Transfer windows at the same time, rounds at the same time and squad registration rules as in the Champions League. Or maybe someone wants to create about 75 Nation Rules out of boredom?
  14. So I entered Resource Archiver and made this option clickable, bu it didn't copy at all. It would be such a improvment. Where can we submit changes for future editions so that SI Games can see it at all?
  15. Is there a way to make this option work? (Copy (Weekly Wage Values) Is there any overlay for the editor that enriches its functions?
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