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Everything posted by Black_Hawk

  1. This idea of Netflix saving Mobile... is something really saved if that means losing your soul?
  2. They are just seeing if they can pull this off. They are testing this thing with the Mobile version to see how it goes, how people react, and if things go well they will implement this on the full version. Because why people should be paying a one time fee when they could pay 2x or 3x more in monthly installments? I happen to have a Netflix account, but I will not play FM Mobile 24 and I really hope people to understand what's at stake here and boycott the new version.
  3. It's not the case of whether the numbers are more realistic or not. The problem is that inside forwards don't behave like inside forwards at all. I play with a 41221 since the first FMs. When I started playing FM Mobile at the beginning of 2022, I tried to recreate the dynamics I was always looking for in the PC version of the game for years: the advanced forward moving back and dragging defenders with him, while one of the central midfielders or one of the two wingers go into the back of the defense. This worked fine in FM 22 Mobile because the inside forwards actually worked like inside forwards, going inside of the field. This year tough, they don't work at all. They just sat there by the touchline, they don't give passing chances to the midfielders or the striker, they don't look for space inside when with the ball, in fact they don't do it either when they don't have the ball. They don't do anything. For example, I recently explained that in a portuguese forum using these two prints. I'm playing Sporting and I have Pedro Gonçalves (#28 at the left, right footed) and Francisco Trincão (#17 at the right, left footed) as inside forwards. My striker Paulinho (#20) is going to receive the ball bringing a centre-back with him. Thing is... Pedro Gonçalves and Francisco Trincão are completely out of what is expected of an inside forward. They should be close do where the Xs are, where they could either receive the ball from Paulinho or go through their defensive to receive a through ball. They are acting as traditional wingers. If I wanted traditional wingers, I would use traditional wingers. I want inside forwards who actually roam inside to mess with opponent organization. Another example, at the beggining of the same game. My deep lying midfieler Ugarte (#15) found Paulinho (#20). The inside forwards are inside, sure. Inside the field, but nowhere inside of the game. They are even blocking the progression of my two wing backs. What they are doing most games is sitting outside like in those two prints and their movement is what is pictured by the black arrows, when they should be doing the yellow arrows instead - because that's what an inside forward do. They are acting as traditional wingers. I don't want to use traditional wingers. Btw, inverted wingers work just like inside forwards. A bit different, but almost the same. Inside forwards in this version are not realistic at all. I get that you guys tried to nerf them because they were overpowered, but what you did was kill them. It was a cheap and effortless way to be done with the effect they had in the match engine.If I had known this before I bought the game, I wouldn't have bought it. Please, fix this, I want to enjoy the game.
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