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Everything posted by paveltopskiy

  1. The only way to have the best staff (at least when it comes to coaching) is to wait a few years and hire all these HoYD regens with insane CA from the start and PA in the area of 175-200. Almost none of the real life coaches are even comparable to them in the slightest. Its 2027 in my save and on the first of July 20 mexican HoYDs generated, all with 170-185 CA, willing to work as coaches. Its stupid and doesnt let you have real life staff if you want the best coaching staff possible
  2. In my save on 23.1 I found a way to calm the player with a success rate close to 100% which was basically ask the captain to settle the player, which always fails, then talk to the player my myself - which in 99% of cases worked. This interaction in every version of FM is always either a 99% success rate of captain solving the issue, 99% chance of him not being able to solve it, or some other extremity which repeats again and again
  3. Well this is the thing though. They arent getting the required game time because AI chooses the squad based on reputation and the newgens dont receive enough of it, if my understanding is correct.
  4. Can you specify what's the exact change in the amount of reputation received that should be implemented so the newgens are starting for clubs and nations again? I am not so familiar with the editor to fully understand what you mean
  5. So is there a way to fix AI not playing youngsters by tweaking the database in the editor? If so, what exactly should be changed?
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