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Posts posted by Neon_20

  1. 17 minutos atrás, Daveincid disse:

    Within the EU most players can be transfered with the age of 16, so those examples you mentioned are working in the game already. The point is mainly about players from non-EU Nations. For those it's usually 18. Endrick moves to Real in 2024, exactly because of that rule. 

    Yes, unless the family immigrates, it is not possible to sign non-EU- U18 players.
    But we should be able to negotiate with the club and the player for a future transfer, like the case of Endrick, but I also noticed an increased reluctance in the U18 newgew's (or real players) wanting to join the club a Top Tier club. Even in the club accepts the fee most of the times players don't want to sign. 

    It's definitely different than in past FM's, but it's okish for me, as I also liked to hunt and bring newgen diamonds to my club.

  2. Alexander Sandahl (SWE)- 13/01/2004, moved to Benfica on 16/09/2020, 16yo at the time

    Kaloyan Kostov – (BUL)- 04/05/2004, moved to Benfica on 07/09/2020 16yo at the time

    Žan Jevšenak – (ESL)- 15/05/2003, moved to Benfica on 15/10/2019 16yo at the time

    Three players (currently at Benfica U23) that moved to Benfica when they were 16, if the game cannot reflect this than is not realist.


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