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Everything posted by SDFM

  1. Romeo performs in my game is very bad. His type is so bad. Physical is so poor and mental is too high. Can he tackled the ball? Roger Ibanez is the best type in FM. Compare their types you can see the Jump, Pace, Acceleration gap.
  2. and Why Bissouma 153ca to 160? Bissouma didn't play at Tottenham last season?
  3. Now Tottenham is 1st and where is MAN Utd? Now Romero average points on whoscored is 7.39 the 14th in Premier League and 1st among dc
  4. WHY Cristian Romero ONLY 148CA? Lisandro Martínez 155CA Cristian Romero ONLY 148CA? Lisandro Martínez better than Cristian Romero?
  5. 游戏里阿根廷的球员尤其是后卫和中场球员特别难。 我看了下关键的属性,速度,爆发,弹跳,强壮 阿根廷球员普遍偏低,我觉得就是这个造成了游戏里他们的表现很差。 比如奥塔门迪,游戏里ca有158,但是速度,爆发都只有10 ,弹跳只有13。和现实完全不相符。 再看今天世界杯阿昆那在边路的表现远胜邓弗里斯,但是游戏里两人ca相差不大的情况下表现天差地别,邓弗里斯速度18,爆发17,阿昆那都只有13,最离谱的就是阿昆那的强壮只有12。 后卫强壮都这么低游戏里给我直观的感受就是特别容易被断球。 这几个关键属性偏低是阿根廷球员的普遍现象,为什么要对阿根廷球员这样设置。简直就是存在偏见。和阿根廷人种一样的西班牙、意大利球员都不是这么设置的。
  6. I like Argentina, but the Argentine players in the game are very weak. The reason is that the key attributes are very low. acceleration, jumping reach, strength and pace these 4 attributes very low. for example, Otamendi, his ca is 158 but 4 attributes are 10, 13,15,10. In game ,his performance is far below his ca. Acuna was beat Dumfries in world cup, but in game his performance also far below dumfries. especially, his strength only 12 ? Many Argentina players have this problem. Why are their attributes set like this ?
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