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1 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Just had an issue where the screen would stay black after loading. I uninstalled and reinstalled the game to try and fix this which didnt work but i did add "--no_exclusive_fullscreen" to my launch options on steam and removed and re-added all extra files (logos pack etc.). I also updated my graphics driver aswell and these all seemed to do the trick and issue is now fully fixed!!
  2. Hiya, I tried verifying the files but no luck unfortunately, ive uploaded a copy of my save file named "Fiachra Moloney - Málaga.fm" if its any help. Thank you for your help so far :).
  3. When selecting leagues to load in, the only nations visible are Netherlands & Northern Ireland. Other nations appear named sporadically. Other leagues are loaded in as seen in the photos below but cannot be selected to keep on leagues in focus. News headlines also appear incomplete as game is missing names of stadiums, nations, awards, competitions etc.
  4. Thank you so much i have been looking for a fix like this for months!!
  5. That sounds class any chance you'd be able to share the format of how to set it up in game?
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