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3 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Building a nation has grown to be a special gamemode for lots of people. But there is insane bug. I bought a wonderkid midfield mezzala. He is 21 years old now and world beater. CA 163 and PA 177. Bro scored 17 goals and added 14 assists. Lots of clubs were interested and he asked out right before the season ended in Sweden. ( year 2026 ). So he came to me to ask out of the club. He asked to be sold if offer of 115 million pounds came in. His hidden value was something like 97 million pounds. And then season ended and new started and his hidden and transfer value dropped to 1,5 million pounds :D:D:D:D. Building a nation in sweden is ********. Currently Sweden is 16th league, but it was issue last FM also, So I am guessing they haven't even tried to fix it. If the problem was league reputation, then it would not even rise to 115 million in one season. The problem/bug is that the values drop/reset every freaking season.
  2. I have this issue, that imho is really strange. I have 2 world beaters in Ferramosca and Lanza. Italian and spaniard. But ever since new managers came to italy and spain and started using tactics that these players don't play. Ferramosca has current ability of 195 and Lanza has 197. Ferramosca is basically the best midfielder there has ever been. And Lanza is basically reincarnation of Cristiano Ronaldo. In reality those managers would probably build their teams around them while game doesn't even call Ferramosca to the squad and Lanza gets called up, but doesnt get any gametime. Do others think it's also strange or am I alone on this one?
  3. Wow, just wow. Amazing intake. I don't know what am I doing wrong. All of my facilities are 20. My team is nr 1 rated club in the world. Have the best HOYD. He is set to be responsible for youth intakes. I even set Sweden to generate 200 talents. I have the best coaches in the world. It is 2029 and I have never had any player above 130 PA and all of my youth intakes are **** poor all players rated E. I even set top 20 swedish teams to have all the facilities at their clubs to 20 to see if they produce anything good and in 9 years all of the clubs with everything set to 20 and youth rating set to 200 the best player produced is 161. there are 10 players rated 155-159. It seems I have some glaring mistake that I have done. Game produces talents but just not swedish, which is set to highest possible chance.
  4. Was playing club world cup and made it to final against Bayern Munich. Final was 15:00 and 12:33 my wonderkid was called up to Gold Cup with Mexico. I know national team is important but is it that important that you have to leave your team immediately? Couldn't he wait for 3 hours, win the cup and then start travelling? Needless to say I lost the final when tournament top scorer was taken from me.
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