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6 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  • Currently Managing
    FC København
  1. Hey I dont know if this has been reported yet (couldnt find it if so), but I experience that the Champions League hymne goes on and off inside a CL match! Furthermore, sometimes the hymne do not fully play out, before the match starts! Best regards
  2. Hey Kyle, I have now finished my 3rd season. And I now see the social medias go up, very much actually! My results on the pitch are not much different than the other two seasons when it went down... I am not sure what I should make of this! But maybe it doesnt needs to be investigated anyway ?
  3. Hey Russell ive uploaded my save as promised, the name of the save is Tobias Clausen - FC København (NEWGEN).fm The thing is, that even though I won the league, the cup, did very well in the UCL and came to the semifinal in UEL the social media followers still went down... You would suspect that the number would go up, after a season like that ? Best regards
  4. Hey Kyle First of all, thank you for your fast reply, much appreciated 👍 I just find it strange that the danish newgens generally are lower than the countries mentioned above, but then again, I am only 2 seasons in. I will keep an eye on the coming intakes and report back if it continues. Have a great day and best regards!
  5. I am playing with FC Copenhagen in Denmark with Norway, Sweden and Finland as playable (added the 3 after I started the game, from view only to playable). I have noticed that the danish newgens have far worse potential than the norwegian, swedish and finnish players, even though I can see that Denmark has the highest youth rating of the four countries... To be more specific, the newgen in Denmark with the highest potential ability got 147 PA, the norwegian got 167 PA, the swedish 177 PA and the finnish player got 160...
  6. Hey Neil Thank you for your fast reply, much appreciated! I will try to set the other leagues to playable aswell! Happy new year!
  7. I have the same problem after winning the double plus performing very well in the CL group stage... I can provide my savegame if needed?
  8. I am playing in the danish league with Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland being chosen as show only (btw all leagues in the mentioned countries are chosen too)! In Denmark I am getting all the newgens to fill the teams, but in the other countries, I am only getting 2-4 newgens in the top clubs... surely this is not enough! This is also the case for many of the other countries in the game... In the same save! I started the game in the Beta version... Hope this will be fixed, like I believe it was in FM22... Best regards
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