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Everything posted by Richard_toffeehead

  1. sorted, thanks for the help. Is this the way to do it for other hidden members of staff?
  2. <record from="helpSHE" to="graphics/pictures/person/Eleanor Cole 20-11-1989/portrait"/> so I put this in the config xml file within my Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\graphics\faces\graphics folder? or do I change helpSHE to the number of the image I want to use?
  3. right got it and found my press officer details. But how do I get the ID number? Instructions mention a config file, but where is the config file? End of the instructions are a bit vague.
  4. Going seem thick here but what is ArtMoney and where do I get it?
  5. Yes I have. Using FM23 and have tried everything. Reload skin, unticked cache setting.
  6. Has anyone not been able to see the black boxes with the ID inside? Followed the instructions and cleared the cache and I still only see the plastic looking FM regen faces. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?
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