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  1. UPDATE: It started working again, everyone uninstalled and reinstalled and two weeks later it worked again. Can't really seem to find a connection but that has seemed to be what has fixed the issue. Uninstalling and reinstalling and waiting around two weeks has worked twice now.
  2. UPDATE: It stopped working. The only thing that changed was when I accidently uninstalled the app on accident. Same issue as before, only one person can join the save whilst the third person can't get in.
  3. Thanks for the response @Desmond Richardsonthese are the answers to your questions: a) We are in the seventh season b) The date when this roughly started happening around December 14th c) No connections have changed, all consoles have stayed in their same locations. Also, I got the nations list wrong if that matters. The correct loaded nations are Brazil, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Scotland, and Spain. The issue also seems to not be save specific, because none of us could join an older save or a new one together. Let me know if you have any following questions are updates on the problem being fixed, I'm very eager to return. UPDATE: As of January 1st at 3:25 AM myself and my two friends were able to all load into the save, I'm not entirely sure as to what made it work though. We uninstalled and reinstalled two or three days ago and when we tried to join that day it still didn't let us in. No idea why we were able to get in now and not entirely sure we'll be able to get in tomorrow but we will see with time.
  4. My friends and I have been playing your game ever since it came to the Xbox for the first time and we love the game, however we can't play it anymore. I've heard of this issue where no more than one other person can join an online save and it finally affected me. We haven't been able to have all three of us load into a save over the past week and a half. I'm aware it's a known issue so I'll spare the rest. Here are some answers to questions I've seen other people answer: • Which online game mode are they trying to play? (online career, draft or versus) Online Career• How many users are trying to connect to the online game? Three users• How many users connect before it stops letting people join? The host and one friend can connect, the third person cannot join.• What console is the host using, and what console is the person using who can’t connect? The host has an Xbox Series X, I have an Xbox Series X, and my other friend has an Xbox Series S. The type of Xbox doesn't seem to be the issue since if he joins first I can't join and if I join first he cannot join.• Can you all connect to an Xbox Live Party together? Yes, we can all connect to a party together.• Can you please test your NAT type and provide us with the answer?o Go to settings > network settings > test NAT type My NAT type is Moderate.• What leagues/nations are loaded within the save? We have the max leagues loaded so I'm not sure if this is entirely correct but this is what I think it is: England, Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Denmark, China, Brazil, Greece, Portugal Please let me know if there are any other questions I can answer to help potentially resolve the issue, thanks!
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