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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Yeah, they are useless and cant help me… Thanks i guess
  2. For some reason, the Cloud menu doesn’t appear for me on the Apple TV version when I’m on the “Load Game” menu. I tried what you said, I even uninstalled the game on both platforms, but it’s still the same…
  3. Everything else (achievements, unlockables) is synced
  4. Yes, I’ve tried that, but it doesn’t sync the saves
  5. Thank you for your help, you are really useful!
  6. Hi, I play FM Touch both on iPhone and Apple TV. The problem I’ve got is that the savefiles don’t sync up between both platforms. I’m using the same Apple ID and Game Center ID on both devices, even the same wifi. What can I do?
  7. I'm on Nintendo Switch, currently managing Leipzig in Bundesliga, and I can't use more than 3 subs, although I know in real life that rule exists
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