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9 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"


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  1. okay forget everything i wrote, the key to this is using 'dribble less'... both wingers must have runs with ball, defenders need stops play/stays back at all times, and maybe dwells on ball if possible...
  2. the cb passing is too sexy n9sZzMkf2D.mp4 check it out... its just beautiful, the cm(s) and dlp(d) are playing so clsoe to eachother always like they do in real life, gross has come inside, estupian made an overlapping run and mitoma went inside, lallana is 2 bumps from a ket hole so his space investigation is at optimum capabilities, also, i find that having cm(s) above the dm strata also is more accurately representing mac allister... obviously he has the traits arrives into box late and shoots more often i think, so depending on who u play in the cm(s), it can actually be reallly interesting role for build up fb(a) stays narrow is actually so beautiful, i constantly find estupiñán in these situations where mitoma or whoever is on left wing has gone wide and then the fullback hes cutting inside like an emo in 2010 72jen2fUHm.mp4 Estupiñán hit that like a cannon, the net is clearly a showpiece by Theo van Doesburg constructed out of solid steel so on the left is the 4-1 win vs everton at goodison park the other day and on the right is the game i just played vs newcastle, some nice simularities there, beautiful! also, using tight marking + tackle harder is really useful i've found especially with this, often brighton one of the cbs atleast is tight marking, and giving it to the fullbacks is also v useful lovely, none of our goals scored in the last 5 games have come from crosses... (not counting corners) beautiful edit: remember to give sanchez tries to play way out of trouble... super important lets be real though, bring back sliders n more options of customising tactics... this game is becoming so childlike its sad, give us the freedom to actually emulate real life football instead of having to find workarounds on this outdated and way way way overly simplified game the game is all about tactics! sort it out si! stop adding filler and completely revamp tactic creation!
  3. cfucGrHEmB.mp4 check out this finish from sollyboy marchinho very similar to his one other day edit: give sollyboy marchinho gets into opposition area and watch beauty unfold
  4. it's all coming together DiVWyKpfF6.mp4 currently aboslutely domineering this newcastle side who sit 4th edit: game crashed at 3-1 but it is what it is! my back line have mastered lulling the opposition in and striking at pace, both cbs 100% need stops play + stays back all times, likes to switch ball to wide areas is also very sexy yes it's fm22 but it's translatable, both CBs have take more risks, LB sit narrow cross from byline, we can see that in almost every game brighton play caicedo is more of a holder and actually moves over to the centre, so i dont think playing him in a right sided strata is a good idea, i've actually gone with dlp(d) which represents this best in game i find that using wingers best emulates the lw/rw of brighton, in bed with very narrow team posession instruction... the pf has roams from ball, naturally my iwb, gross, is superb and almost perfectly emulates what hes doing for brighton, because gross makes so many prog passes irl, i gave the role takes more risks + gets forward and i find that a iwb on support will go to the outside more often than if using iwb a ... so its a better balance, its also so sexy in the build up focus play down the left because that's what brighton do, at times i will change the mitoma role to a winger on support with get further forward... and perhaps making the striker pf(a) instead of pf(s) but for the most part i keep it as it is.... i just think using the hold shape when possession is won does not slow our attacks at all and helps us further lure in the opposition before we strike with full erection anyway fm22 because fm23 is genuine garbaggio lets pray fm24 is corrected currently playing the sexiest football ive ever seen on fm and we cant stop scoring, defence is a bit leaky but fm22 player ratings are kinda whack for brighton not gonna lie
  5. watch how we invite pressure playing slow and then and get this sexy chance away at SPEED untitled_project2.mp4 (720p).mp4
  6. It's utter garbaggio. Remember, FMTREQ is foremost an entainer, he hasn't put the effort in, and at the end of the day it's quite simply not an accurate tactical representation of De Zerbi, I watched the video - the sources he cites as his backbone for re-emulation of Zerbiball are non existant, and what he has ended up delivering to the viewer is utter tripe. He's jumped on a tiktok recipe trend (sexy tasty dezerbiball) and instead of creating the viral feta pasta, he's gone and made a ****ing omelette without any eggs. anyway so the biggest challenge is getting the progressive passives from the two cb's whilst luring in the opposition and being able to switch tempo at any given moment i'm coming up with the solution and starting to see a lot more of: JmF8qK6tAM.mp4
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