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KRM Analysis

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Everything posted by KRM Analysis

  1. Appreciate the response, mate. 1. I was more concerned that no days off would create a morale issue. I've tried to moderate the intensity and prioritise things like injury prevention as I don't have great squad depth, and I've not had any issues yet - but I've not reached spring! 2. Yeah this makes sense. Thanks again
  2. Hi everyone. First post here! I'm sure these questions have been answered before, so apologies, but I just wanted some clarification on training. I haven't really dabbled much with it prior to my current save, so I'm definitely a novice. 1. I'm in December now, and the players haven't had a single day off, but I've not had any unhappiness/complaints - does this ever become an issue? 2. I'm a little unclear on how the Training Rating is measure. Is this purely linked to attribute development? I have a 28 year-old midfielder who is not achieving high training scores (not low enough to be a cause for concern) and is just ticking along. He has good mental attributes and 'Resolute' personality type, so I'd imagine his lower rating isn't a case of a lack of effort/professionalism in training. Can anyone clarify how the Training Rating is calculated?
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